07 [part three]

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[MATURE] 18+ 🌶️
marshall pov

"you excited to see her?" paul asked on the other end of the call. "more like nervous, I'm lucky if I got a few hours of sleep. I think I stared at the clock all night" I said, walking through the streets of the star.

"I feel sick to my stomach" I said, trying to take a few deep breaths. dre let out a mumbled mhm, chiming in on the conversation. "my anxiety is through the roof right now. I lied to her, she thinks I'm in michigan working on the album"

"she said to me that she didn't want to seem ungrateful, and that she didn't want any flowers or gifts she just wished I was there" I said, letting out a sigh. "lord, this girl really ain't out for anything you have because she just wants you"

I let out a low chuckle, "I'm telling you, she's different. but I'm just allowing myself to follow my gut, and my heart and hope that I don't fuck it up" I stated. I was not petrified, feeling impended doom because I have never said anything like that about a woman, except kim.

"aw, who knew that you were such a softy marsh?" paul joked. "marshall don't listen to him, and don't be nervous. from what it sounds like, this girl is down for you. and once she see's you it's end game"

"I- I'm really hoping I made the right choice. I'll talk to you guys later" I said hanging up, and walking into the floral shop. I stood awkwardly, shoving my hands in my pockets as I looked around.

"hey there, is there anything I can help you with?" a woman asked, as she walked out from the back, wiping her hands on her apron. I nodded, "I'm here to pick up a floral order" I said trying to pull up the confirmation.

she nodded, "okay, last name?" she asked. I cleared my throat, "mathers" I said, before looking down at the ground. I noticed her body language shift, "ohmygod, you're here to get the peony's for avery" she said as I could heard the excitement in her voice.

I nodded, again. "you must be the guy she's been going on, and on about" she said as my face flushed from embarrassment. I chewed at my lip, "more than likely, I- I'm marshall" I said as I properly introduced myself.

"lucille" she said happily. "I- I just want to let you know that avery is definetly well loved around here, she's the daughter I never had and truly the sweetest most selfless person I have ever met so please, don't break her heart"
I nodded, "I don't plan on it. how much for everything, Lucille?" I asked, before she adamantly shook her head. "marshall honey, this is for avery. please do not worry about the payment"

my face scrunched in confusion, "I cannot walk out of here without paying" I said as I grabbed my wallet, taking out whatever cash I had. she continued to deny the money, before I begged her. lucille sighed, "let samantha know I'll be over in thirty minutes" she said, as she took the cash off the counter.

I nodded, "will do" I said before walking out, and toward their storefront a few doors down. as I opened the door, the smell of vanilla stopped me in my tracks, it smelt like her.

I walked around, taking in my surroundings before I was caught off guard by an energetic hello. I jumped before letting out an awkward smile, "h- hey" I said nervously. "It's good to finally meet you, I'm sam"

A Few Hours Later

"everything turned out perfectly, but I know she'll be so wrapped up in you being here, I doubt she'll care about much else" samantha said as we continued to set up. I let out a chuckle, "I'm sure she'll notice at some point" I said.

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