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marshall pov
may, 2020

"I'm freaking the fuck out" I said, trying my best to keep it together. "just take a deep breath, and relax marshall" dre said on the other end of the line. "I- I can't, what if he says no? what if he laughs in my face?" I said, pulling into the headquarters parking lot.

dre let out a chuckle, "that could absolutely be a possibility" he said as I let out an exaggerated groan. "I'm just fucking with you man, but seriously, anyone who really knows you two, would never say no and deny you two of something this special"

"just speak from your heart" dre stated. "yeah" I deadpan.
"good luck, marsh" he said before I let out a low mumbled yeah and hung up.

I stepped into the elevator, shutting my eyes tight and saying a quick prayer. "just speak from the heart.." I said as the elevator doors opened. I took a deep breath as I turned the corner to see his office door was semi cracked. "man to man.." I said before knocking on his door.

"c'mon in" he said, his southern accent smooth. "ah, mr.mathers. surprise seein' you here" he said as I tried desperately to push down the acid that was climbing my throat. "I thought you were my accountant, can I get you a drink?"

I shook my head, "no, sir. I would actually like to discuss something with you" I said as he pointed to the empty chair. he nodded, "please, sit" he said as he poured himself a drink.

"what would you like to discuss, mr.mathers?" he asked. I cleared my throat, "mr.jones I- I would like to discuss avery" I said as he furrowed his eyebrows. "is she okay?" he asked before swigging the bourbon that was in his cup.

"she's great. I actually came here today to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage" I said as he paused. "you wanna marry avery?" he asked as I nodded.

"I was a very sure man before I met your daughter, sir. I mean, I had calculated every word I wanted to say before I came in here but your daughter, makes me just word vomit all over the place" I said as he let out a low chuckle.

"and I get it, I'm not the ideal pick that I know you envisioned for you daughter to marry but taking a chance and falling in love with avery has been the scariest, yet easiest decision I have ever made, mr.jones"

"and almost loosing her in that accident..." I paused. "it physically pained me to see her laying in the bed like that. so not long after she was home, I went and bought an engagement ring cause I don't want to live this life without her"

"I want her by my side, I need her by my side" I said as I pulled the box from my pocket, to show her father. her father overlooked the ring before clearing his throat, "please don't break my little girls heart" he stated.
I shook my head, "I wouldn't dare" I deadpan.

he nodded, "mr.math-" he paused, correcting himself. "you have my blessing to marry avery, welcome to the family marshall"


avery pov

"hey.. sam?" I called out. she let out a grumbled mhm, "you ready to take some pictures?" I asked as she walked down the hallway. "I'm only doing this until you feel comfortable to get back in front of the camera" samantha whined.

"then you'll never take a picture of me again. it's all you honey" I teased as she rolled her eyes, doing her best not to laugh. "now smile for me pretty lady, we got a line to launch!" I said excitedly, as I continuously snapped pictures.

"I mean, I'm not photographer but I think my pictures came out pretty dang good. what'cha think?" I asked as I handed her the phone. "damn, they are pretty good. maybe if all else fails you can be a photographer" samantha said as I let out a low chuckle.
"yeah, cause another business is what I need" I said sarcastically.

"I wanna post this one on insta.." I said. "avery.." samantha whined and tried to grab the phone. my eyes went wide, trying my best not to laugh, "if you don't let me post these pictures, I'm really gonna post pictures you don't want people to see"

she huffed, "what if people write mean stuff?" she asked. "I promise they won't want to because then they'll have to deal with me. but look at you, you're fucking gorgeous sam. there is no reason to be self conscious when you look like this"

she went silent, "I promise you, if something is written that truly upsets you I will take it down and we don't need to post anymore pictures" I said as I pulled her into me as tight as I could.


"hey avery.." samantha said, breaking the silence between us. I let out a low mhm, my eyes still closed and almost asleep.

"you're happy with marshall right?" she asked. a sleepy smile curved my lips, "he's everything I've wanted in a partner, and sometimes I can't even comprehend that this is all real"

I cleared my throat, "marshall's a really shy and gentle person who wears his heart on his sleeve. his music and his past no longer define who he is now" I said softly. samantha nodded, "I- I know. I witnessed it, and when this all started, I was certain that he was gonna break your heart and I was more than happy to help you pick up the pieces. but now its the opposite"

I quickly furrowed my eyebrows, "what?" I deadpan. "I know you better than anyone avery, I know because of what you've been through you're always one foot out the door afraid for them to hurt you. so you strike first"

"so I wanna make sure that you love marshall. because marshall doesn't deserve that. I mean for god's sake, he never left that hospital, fought sleep and didn't eat to just be next to you so you weren't alone. I watched his man distraught and pained for a week. so I know that man is in love with you"



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