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avery pov
february 14, 2020

"I'm happy you're here" I said as marshall nodded in agreement. "I'm happy I'm here too, baby" he said as chewed at his lip. I watched as he reached into his pocket for his phone. "hey, smile for me sweet girl"

I shook my head blocking the camera, "he- hey, why would you do that?" marshall asked. I let out a belly laugh and covered my face. "I'm off the clock" I said sarcastically, scrunching my nose before shooting him a playful wink.

marshall sighed, reaching into his pocket again. "how does twenty bucks sound?" he asked, as he threw it on the table. I curiously raised an eyebrow, "mr.mathers, are you bribing me right now?"

he nodded, "I am" he said. I pursed my lips before grabbing the cash and tucking it into my sleeve. "I'm positive you have more than enough pictures of me though, you really need more?" I asked.

marshall pursed his lips, "I think you underestimate, how simple I am" he said. I rolled my eyes and pressed my tongue to my cheek, "okay fine, take the picture. but I'm only allowing it cause it's valentines day" I said, as he took the picture, satisfied.

"I love you" he said.
"you more" I said softly.

"so avery, I actually have a surprise for you" he said, stuttering nervously. my face contorted, as I curiously raised an eyebrow. "but, we said no presents" I said, anxiously mashing my lips together. he let out a low chuckle, before sliding a box across the table.

"I know we did, but I can't but give in to you" he said softly. hesitation paralyzed me, "go on and open it, honey" marshall encouraged.
I opened the top, letting out a sigh of relief seeing it wasn't a ring. I cleared my throat, "a key, what's the key to?" I questioned.

marshall took a deep breath, and took my hands in his. "my house" he said. "I- I've missed you up in michigan" he stated. "I wanted to know how you'd feel about staying in michigan, longer than two weeks"

"I- I can make room in the closets, and the drawers so you can leave whatever you want at the house" he said. my lip quivered, as I tried to grasp what was happening. "really?" I asked as he nodded.

I chewed at my lip and ran my fingers on the rim of my cocktail glass in front of me. "would you like that, baby?" he asked. I nodded letting out a soft yeah, as relief washed over him.

"avery, honey you are everything to me. I mean, when you were in michigan I- I was so happy. I was content, my friends and family haven't seen me like that in years" he said. "I- I would love nothing more, marsh"
my heart raced as my feelings were satisfied, everything I have ever wanted was right in front of me.

"hey, honey" samantha said as I walked into the store. I scrunched my nose at her, giving her a goofy smile. "where's marshall?" she asked as she raised an eyebrow. I turned to the front door, pointing outside.

"how was y'alls date?" she asked. I crossed my arms, "marshall gifted me a key to his house, he asked if I would stay in michigan longer than a couple weeks" I said. "oh my- shut up! shut up!" samantha said excitedly.

"how do you feel about that?" samantha asked. I shrugged, "I- I don't know, the only other person I was serious with was ryan, and we all know how that ended"

I sighed, "don't get wrong, I love marshall. I love being around him but I- I-" I said as samantha interrupted me. "but, you're scared to get hurt again. I know, but honey, marshall is outwardly showing you that he's not messing around"

"just sleep on it" she said, as I nodded. "oh, you also had some deliveries come while you were gone" samantha said. "from, who?" I questioned. samantha cleared her throat, "ryan" she said as I let out a deeply annoyed sigh.
"he's a fucking psychopath" I said before chucking the flowers into the trash.

"avery james, you know, at one point you loved him. and were engaged to him" samantha said as I rolled my eyes. "and that was the biggest mistake of my like, dude, I was minutes away from ruining my life" I said, crossing my arms.

"I understand you were miserable, but you didn't have to leave him at the alter" she said as I pressed my tongue to my cheek, trying to avoid the conversation. samantha quickly changed the subject.

"your dad also stopped by" she said as she pointed to the almost life size teddy bear. I let out a chuckle, "I guess flowers just didn't cut it, did it?" I said, before hearing the door open. I poked my head out of the back office, seeing marshall walk in.

"I see you back there, baby" he said playfully, before making his way toward me. he quickly wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into him. "hey, I- I hear avery's gonna be a michigander?" samantha said, crossing her arms.
marshall let out a nervous laugh as his face turned red. "I- I would like her to be" he said, pressing a kiss to my temple.


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