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[MATURE] 18+ 🌶️
avery pov

marshall interlocked his fingers with mine, as we walked across the parking lot, "did you enjoy dinner, baby?" he asked. I nodded, "I did" I said as he ran his hand across the small of my back, before pulling me into him.

he chewed at his lip, "good, cause I'm ready for dessert" he said, before pressing his lips to my skin. "marsh.." I said as a small smile curved his lips as he continued to pepper my skin with kisses.

he stopped before letting out deep sigh. "I'm not ready for you to go home" he stated. I nodded in agreement before coping his sigh, "I know, but I have to. I have to get back to work" I said as he rolled his eyes.
I let out a low chuckle, "you're gonna roll your eyes right outta your head" I said as he yet again, rolled his eyes.

"but baby.. a few weeks isn't long enough. it doesn't give me the time I need to properly fuck your brains out" he said under his breath, before reattaching his lips to my skin. "yeah?" I asked as he let out a mumbled mhm against my skin.

we started to walk backwards, tangling into each other as marshall backed me up against the car. I let out a giggle, "here, in the parking lot?" I asked as he continued to feel me up. I quickly swatted his hands off of me, "h- hey, the paparazzi doesn't need anymore pictures of is"

marshall dramatically threw his head back, "okay, fine. I'll wait the ten minutes and drive home but just know, once those gates close, you're mine" he said before opening the passenger side door.

he ran his hand over his beard, "be a good girl for me tonight, yeah?" he stated before closing the car door. I chewed at my lip, trying to keep myself calm but my pussy is desperately screaming.

at every red light that stopped us, marshall took it as an opportunity to tease me further. his fingertips grazing the bare skin I was showing, causing me to only want him more. I sat silent as he drove, and the surround headlights illuminated his features.

and lord have mercy on me, my angel has aged beautifully.

marshall pulled up to the private gate, as one of the security guards opened it. he drove forward and parked, and before I knew it we were tangled around each other and stumbling to the front door. he cupped my face, kissing me senseless before his hands drifted up my back and finding the zipper - allowing my dress to fall to the floor.

I stood there in nothing, "no panties, this whole time sweet girl?" he asked. a devilish smile curved my lips as I shook my head. "none, what-so-ever" I exaggerated, as marshall cupped one of my breasts, softly squeezing.

"come play" I said softly as he trailed behind me. marshall quickly caught up, grabbing a hold of me and wrapping my limbs around his frame as we fell into bed. he pepper my skin with more kisses, before pulling away to remove his own clothes.
I watched, and salivated.

"you like what you see, kitten?" he asked. I nodded, looping my finger into his chain, before pulling him into me. I moaned, feeling him at my core. "god, avery" he breathed out as I continued to teasingly press up against him.

a smile curved my lips, "yeah, baby?" I asked as I continued to rub against him. he shook his head, "please don't tease me like this angel, let me take care of you" he said as I let out a low chuckle.

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