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marshall pov
a few days later

"hey" samantha said as she opened the apartment door. "hey, good morning" I said barely above a whisper. "is avery still sleeping?" she asked.

I nodded, "I- I appreciate you coming over this early. I didn't want her to be alone but this deadline creeped up on me faster than I realized" I said, grabbing my stuff. samantha let out a chuckle, "no worries, marsh. I'm sure its alot easier for me to work from here, than you"

I nodded in agreement, "and that is exactly why I put a studio in my house" I said. "but since being with avery, dre told me he was gonna scope out some studio spaces for when I'm down here"

"but I should only be gone a few hours, and there's freshly made coffee" I said as I pointed to the coffee maker. "thanks!" I heard samantha call out, before closing the door behind me. I stepped into the elevator, dialing dre.

"yo" he said as he answered the phone. "where you at?" I asked, standing at the main door of the apartment building.
"I'm pulling up, I'm in the black escalade" he said as I walked out, and up to the car. I got into the car, allowing myself to get comfortable in the passenger seat. "you ready for today?" dre asked as he continued to drive.
I sighed, "yes, and no" I said softly.


I could feel the acid only getting worse as it climbed in my throat, but I wanted to do this more than anything. I wanted avery more than anything.

"good mornin' fella's, how can I help y'all out today?" an older man, as he introduced himself to us. I cleared my throat, "good morning, I- I'd like to buy an engagement ring" I said as my anxiety sky rocketed.

"alright c'mon over, I'd be happy to help. is there something particular you're lookin' for?" he asked. I shook my head, "I figured I'd know it was the one, when I say it" I said, intimidated by all the rings around.

he let out a low chuckle, "alright, I like the confidence. have a seat and I'll start pulling some options for you to look at" he said before walking away. "you okay, dude?" dre asked as he sat next to me.

I sighed, "what if she doesn't like the ring I picked out, what if she says no?" I asked. dre let out a chuckle and shook his head, "you're kidding me right? marshall that girl looks at you like you hung the moon and the stars. there is no way that avery is gonna say no"

"alright, first ring is gonna be a classic round cut. the diamond is two carrots, near colorless with vs clarity. all in a white gold setting" he said, holding the ring between a large set of tweezers. I could feel the nausea hit me like a ton of bricks, "oh, wow" I said, softly.

dre turned toward me, "you okay, marsh?" he asked. I shook my head, "I need to step out for a minute and get some air" I said, as chaos erupted in my head. "marsh, marshall!" dre called out as he followed behind me.

"yo, you good?" he asked. I shook my head, "I'm buying an engagement ring" I said trying to not fall apart.

"you unsure about getting a ring? maybe you wanna wait a little longer?" dre said, cautiously. "I know deep down I want to propose, and marry avery but its all so fucking scary" I said as dre nodded in agreement.
"I feel like I avoided any type of serious relationship for years, but the feelings I have for avery, makes me want to move god damn mountains for her"

"okay, now go inside and pick a ring for that sweet girl. and something big too, cause she deals with your stupidity" dre said as he pushed me back inside. I took a deep breath before walking over to the counter again. "everything okay?" the jeweler asked.

I nodded, "yes, I'm ready to continue" I said as he nodded. "we have more than enough options here to make a beautiful girl happy mr.mathers" he said as he pulled another ring. but he was right, avery deserved the absolute world and I was gonna give it to her.

"okay, this ring is an elongated cushion cut. this is a little over two carrots, still near colorless along with the vs clarity set in white gold. what do you think sir?" he asked. "I knew this was gonna be a really hard decision to make but seeing the rings up close makes it just that much harder"

after careful consideration, I was still at a loss. "avery would love anyone of these, but which one of these rings can you see on her finger?" dre asked. I shrugged before letting out a sigh before the jeweler came back with yet another option in his hand.

"I noticed none of the ones with diamonds all around it were catching your eye, so I wanted to try a different approach. there are just some people that don't want rings to be over the top, they prefer a more simplified version" he said as he placed the ring down.

the ring.
"this one, this is exactly what I want" I said as I let out a very satisfied smile.


avery pov

"hey.." I said as I walked out of the bedroom. "morning honey, how do you feel?" samantha asked as she looked up from her computer. I shrugged, "sore" I groaned out as I plopped down onto the couch.

"everything will heal in time, av" she said as she grabbed her coffee mug, before sitting next to me on the couch. "where's marshall?" I asked as I snuggled into the warmth of the blanket that was on the couch, permanent with marshall cologne.

"he had to meet with dre, something about a deadline?" she said as I quickly furrowed my eyebrows. "what, what deadline?" I asked, cautiously.

samantha shrugged, "I'm not sure, that's just what he told me before he left" she said as I nodded. "also, your pr team called, just to get ahead of all the bullshit but you're trending again" she said as she braced for what I was gonna say.

I let out an exaggerated sigh, "why?" I whined out. "because of the accident, I mean, there are some really sweet get well messages" she said softly.



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