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avery pov
the next day

"okay, so let me get this straight. eminem.." samantha said, before there was a long pause.

"marshall mathers, just to be clear, asked you to dinner?" she asked, continuing to fold clothes on the sales floor.

I let out an exaggerated sigh, "how many times are we gonna go over this?and you make it sound like I'm completely unappealing"

"honey come on, no one has to tell you that you're a ten outta ten. you're off the charts, you do it all but I just can't believe it"

"I mean, you go outta town, miss a game or two and suddenly you're out of the loop" she said. "damn in-laws" she said under her breath, as I let out a chuckle.

"you're ridiculous, you know that?" I said playfully. Samantha pursed her lips and crossed her arms, "so, what's going on with you and lucas?"

I sighed, burying my head in my hands. "I- I don't really know what's going on. I do know there's not much chemistry between us, but I also think he has a really hard time with the whole issac thing"

"but that's understandable av, you know I'm sure it's not easy seeing a girl you like kiss another man"

I shrugged, "I don't know, I like spending time with him and I like that he can try and accept all the bullshit I have to put up with. but I don't see us in an actual relationship"

samantha chewed at her lip, "I just went talk to be happy, and head over heels in love with someone"

"lucas may not be that person, but I just know that someone will come along and worship the ground you walk on" she said, trying to reassure me.

I let out a low mhm, "I'm sure, but I'm just trying to focus on me right now. especially after everything that happened with ryan" I said before a silence lingered.

"It happens when you least expect it" samantha said happily. "so, how often do yall talk?"

I let out a chuckle, "stop being nosy" I said, pressing my tongue to my cheek. she shook her head, "I'm not being nosy, I'm making sure that this person is good enough to be with you regardless if their famous" she said standing her ground.

"y'all not worried about the age gap?" she questioned.

I shook my head, "no, not really. I mean, come on it's eminem. would you be worried about the age gap if he wanted to take you to dinner?" I asked, making my way to the back office.

samantha let out an exaggerated sigh as she followed behind me. "I- I don't know av, but he is forty seven"

"and?" I questioned.
"and, you're twenty three" she said as I crossed my arms.

"I'll be twenty four in less than two weeks. but he went out of his way to ask me to dinner and I don't see a reason not to go"

I shrugged, "and it's just dinner, I'm not marrying the guy" I stated stubbornly. samantha took a step back, reassessing the situation.

"okay, that's fair. but avery please just be cautious. you know dealing with the press is gonna be a living nightmare"

I nodded, "I'm sure, but I'm positive marshall has to take a lot more precautions than I do" I said as my phone buzzed.

[New Text Message: Marshall Mathers]
[I can't wait to see you, again]

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