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avery pov
a couple days later

"avery" samantha said, breaking the silence between us. I let out a low mhm. "you doing okay?" she asked uneasy. without looking away from my computer, I mumbled out a yeah continuing to type.

"you sure honey? you don't seem like yourself today" she said. I sighed, "I just, miss marshall" I said softly. samantha nodded, "would something chocolate, make you feel better?" she asked, playfully.
but before I could answer, she was good and gone already talking to the barista the counter. I sighed, my eyes flickering toward my phone as it lit up.

[New Text Message: Marshall Mathers] (2)
[Just checking in, baby]

[New Text Message: Marshall Mathers] (2)[Just checking in, baby]

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I chewed at my lip, trying to hide my smile. "what's got you all giddy now?" samantha asked as she sat back down. "marshall attempted to send me a selfie" I said showing her the picture.

We both let out a belly laugh, "I mean, he's trying his best" I said as she shrugged. "I respect that though, it means he cares enough to put in effort even with the distance between y'all" she said pushing a brownie toward me.

"are we content now? you got yourself a brownie, and he texted you" she asked as I let out a satisfied sigh. "avery, seriously we desperately need to get some work done" samantha said as I took a bite of my bribery.

a small silence lingered between us, "oh, shit" samantha mumbled before checking her watch. I quickly furrowed my eyebrows, "we have to get going, we have to be in dallas at three to look at those samples" she said, starting to gather her stuff.

"or, we can reschedule for a different day and go back to your place" I said as I scrunched my nose. she shook her head, "no avery, we have to make a decision by the end of the week" she said as I rolled my eyes, following behind her.

"okay, but will you take a picture of me really quick, just so I can answer marshall back" I asked as she nodded, taking my phone in her hand. I posed as she excitedly photobursted my phone.
"let me see!" I said as I looked over her shoulder. "perfection, absolutely stunning" she said as she shot me a wink, handing back my phone.

[Coffee run]

[Reply][Coffee run]

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