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marshall pov

"dude, this album is hot. I'm not even shocked at the attention it's getting" denaun said happily as I continued to drive. I let out a small chuckle, "yeah, I-" I started to say, as another call popped up. 

"yo denaun, give me a minute" I said before putting his call on hold and answering the incoming call. "hey.. sam, I'm actually on t-" I started to say before I was cut off by a blood curdling scream on the other end of the line. 

"whoa, what the fuck?" I said as I furrowed my eyebrows, and pulled over. all I could hear was crying and a few mumbled words in between. "samantha, hey, take a deep breath for me hun, what's going on?" I asked trying my best to sooth her. 

"avery" she said, trying her best to collect herself. I suddenly became nauseous, "w- what about her? what about avery, samantha?" I asked.  

"she was in a car accident" she said, as I felt a weight in my chest. "I- I don't know really know anything else but her parents called, and told me to get to the hospital as soon as I could" she said as she gasped for air. 

"I- I just wanted to tell you, so you weren't expecting her to land. and give you a chance to get here" she said. I let out a small sigh, "p- please tell me that you're not driving to the hospital by yourself?" I asked. 

"I'm here, marsh!" I heard mark yell out in the background. "okay, alright. I will be there in a few hours" I said before ending the call, and pulling back onto the road. 


I felt nauseated, I felt anxious. 

I needed the plane to go faster, knowing that, that option was impossible. but all that consumed my thoughts was her. It pained me to think that avery was hurt, and I wasn't there to protect her, or comfort her when she needed me most. 

"welcome back to dfw, mr.mathers" the pilot said as we landed. I let out a small grateful smile, knowing I had only one place to be - as soon as possible. 

[New Text Message: Samantha Koch]
[hey, we're at the baylor hospital. 5602 Warren Pkway, Frisco
She's in room 206]

[I'll be there as fast as I can]


"206, 2-0-6" I said to myself, as I walked down the hallway looking for avery's room. 

"marshall!!" I heard samantha yell out as she ran toward me. her eyes bloodshot from all the tears she's cried. I pulled her into me, as tight as I could, knowing she needed it as badly as I did

"I- I shouldn't have started the fight with her, I- I should have just answered her fucking calls but I was mad she was going to michigan" she started to ramble. "this wouldn't have happened if I- I just answered her call"

"hey, sam, now is not the time to be blaming yourself" I said as I wiped the wetness from her cheeks. "where are avery's parents, honey?" I asked as she tried to compost herself before we walked over to the half open door.

the room was dimly lit, machines were slowly beeping and some sort of gospel music was softly playing. I softly knocked on the door, as both her parents turned to face me. "oh, thank god" her mother said as she looked at me with swollen eyes. I let out a sigh, as it pained me to see avery laying in the hospital bed. 

"what happened?" I asked, making eye contact with the ground. I braced myself for the answer as I did my best to hold back tears. "some stupid motherfucker blew a red light, and drove into the driver side"

"her car rolled about five times, the windows busted and they had to cut her out of the seat belt and pry her door open" he said, trying to hold all his emotions in. her father quickly cleared his throat, "p- please excuse me" he said before walking out of the room. 

I nodded before giving her mother a sympathetic smile, "she's stable for now, but they did give her some pretty heavy pain medications" she said, before walking out as well. 

I sat down in the empty seat next to avery's bed, before taking her hand in mine as my thumb traced the bloodstains on her hands. my vision becoming blurry as tears started to form, "what happen to making it to michigan, baby?" 

I looked up to see, blood stains on her sweet face. "I'm here now, sweet girl" I said as my tears started to stream harder. I let out a sigh before getting up and grabbing a towel, and running it under the water from the sink. 
"let me get you cleaned up, honey" I said, before wiping her face. 

I stopped, and stared at her before I couldn't hold it together much longer. "god" I said as I shook my head, wiping the wetness from my cheeks. "deshaun, can you hear me right now?" I called out feeling helpless. 

"this girl needs to be okay dude, this girl is everything to me" I said as I buried my face into the crook of her neck. "I- I love you, avery" I said as I sat back in the chair, waiting for something to change. 


my eyes fluttered open as there was a soft knock on the hospital room door. "hey, marsh, I- I brought you some water and something to eat" samantha said as she put everything down
on the hospital tray. 

I sighed, "thank you" I said, knowing that my hunger was suppressed. I quickly looked over toward avery, before taking her hand in mine. samantha gave me a sympathetic smile that mimicked the one I gave her mother. 

"marshall, she's a fighter. she's fucking stubborn and we both know it" samantha said as she sat down next to me. I nodded before tears started to blur my vision again, "this just wasn't how it was supposed to go" I said before I was startled, hearing yelling in the hallway. 

I quickly furrowed my eyebrows, "what the hell?" I said running into the hallway, met by her father, mark and a few staff members around an unknown man continuing to yell. "I- I'm so sorry, please let me apologize!!!" he yelled. 

The unknown man was handcuffed as avery's father gritted his teeth. "to fucking who, and what does an apology do for my family when my only daughter, my baby girl, is laying unconscious in a hospital bed because of you?"
honestly father to father, I felt his pain.

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