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avery pov
a few days later 

"alrighty, fresh popcorn and topped off diet coke. did you get the movie going?" I asked as I walked back into the theater room. "mhm, almost" marshall mumbled as he continued to press buttons on the remote.

I set everything down before grabbing a blanket, "you want help?" I asked, as he adamantly shook his head. "I- I got" he said waving me away, as the movie came on. 

marshall let out a sigh of relief as I started to laugh. "I- I wouldn't ask how I did that" he said, only causing me to laugh harder. "what are you laughing, baby?" he asked furrowing his eyebrows. 

"because.." I said in between laughs, barely able to form a sentence. 

he shrugged, "I know I'm not great with technology, but I manage" he said, as he grabbed a handful of popcorn before hoisting himself up on the tv console. "marshall its twenty twenty, not the two thousands anymore" I teased, as he sighed rolling his eyes before giving me the finger. 

I grabbed my phone and opened the camera, "smile for me, honey" I said softly. marshall shook his head, covering his face. "no, no pictures"

I begged, "please marsh, I'm only sending it to Sam" I said trying to keep a straight face. he sighed, cooperating for all of two seconds while I took the picture. 


"you ready to relax?" marshall asked as he grabbed the blanket, unfolding it before the doorbell rang

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"you ready to relax?" marshall asked as he grabbed the blanket, unfolding it before the doorbell rang. we both went silent, knowing that we weren't expecting anyone tonight. 

"oh, come on" he mumbled under his breath, before going to answer the door. I trailed behind him, eavesdropping from the kitchen, only to hear causal conversation and footsteps down the hallway. 
"hey alaina, everything okay?" I asked as she quickly pulled me into a hug. 

"I'm sorry you guys, I should have called first. I hope I'm not interrupting anything" she said. I shook my head, "n- no honey, you're fine" I said softly. 

"you don't know how relieved I am to see, you're still here" she said as my face flushed. 

"I- I want to apologize for the other night.." she stated. I sighed, "alaina, please don't worry about it" I said as she adamantly shook her head, not taking no for an answer. 

"no, avery. my dad must really like you if he's willing to turn his life completely upside down and some of us could have been a little more understanding of that" 

marshall and I made eye contact, before he have me a soft smile. "I'll admit, it was a little bit of a shock, but all we really want is someone who will love his goofy self as much as we do. but without even knowing it, I think dad just gave us the biggest blessing. he gave us a built in best friend" she said before pulling me into a tight hug. 

"alaina, thank you for coming here tonight" I said. 

she quickly furrowed her eyebrows, "oh, I didn't come alone" she said. "what are you talking about, lane?" marshall asked. 

"hailie's sitting in the car, she asked to come here and apologize if avery was willing to hear her out" she said as I felt the acid in my chest. I was nauseated, but I needed to do this for the sake of marshall and I being together. 

"oh, okay" I said as alaina turned on her heels, before walking out to get hailie. marshall grabbed my wrist, "baby, y- you don't have to do this if you're not ready" 

I stopped him, "I have to do this marshall. otherwise I- I can't be with you, knowing hailie doesn't want us together"I said, hearing the front door open.

"hey avery.." I heard hailie say, as she walked into the kitchen. "hey.." I said barely above a whisper. more silence lingered before alaina nudged hailie to speak. 

"I'm sorry about the other night avery. I'm sorry for saying anything that may have upset you but please understand that, that was the first time seeing my dad with someone, romantically"

"but I do see how happy you make my dad, and that's honestly all I could ask for" she said. I nodded as I made eye contact with the ground. "thank you, to both of you. hearing you say all this allows me to happily move forward, and be with your dad"

"ah, I'm so happy to hear that!" alaina said, as she pulled us into another tight hug. "we also wanna thank you, for the packages you sent us" alaina said excitedly.
"what packages?" marshall asked as I let out a shy smile. 

"I- I had Sam pull their previous orders for sizing reference and had the girls but together a box" I said. "everything was perfectly picked!" alaina said as both girls nodded. 
as the conversation carried on, marshall and I quickly made eye contact, as he mouthed I love you before slipping out of the room with a content smile on his face. there were three girls, laughing away in his living room and he couldn't be happier.

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