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marshall pov
about a month later - january 2020

"marshall" avery said softly. "mhm, what's up baby?" I answered, watching as she furrowed her eyebrows. "Its four am, don't you have to be at the studio in a couple hours?" she asked, as I let out a chuckle.

"yeah, I do. but talking to my girl is a bit higher on my priority list" I said as she tried to hide her face, as she turned red. I sighed, "I miss you, sweet girl" I said, as she nodded in agreement. "I- I miss you, it feels like forever since you were here marsh" she said.

I let out another chuckle, "it's only been three weeks, baby" I said as avery rolled her eyes. "like I said, forever" she exaggerated.
silence grew between us, "there's actually something I've been wanting to talk to you about. I- I was just waiting on the right time"

avery looked up alarmed, "a- are you breaking up with me?" she asked softly, her eyes instantly welling up. I nervously shook my head, "avery, no baby. I was wanting to ask how you felt about coming up and visiting michigan"

"I- I just wanted to wait until football season was over, so you had one less thing on your plate" I said as avery's expressions softened. "I mean, we have been seeing each other for a few months now, you know?"

"and, I assume it's been exclusive" I said, as avery rolled her eyes playfully. "I just want to throw you into the craziness, of what I call my life here. I- I want to introduce you to my daughters and show you that I'm investing in this all the way"

"marsh" she said softly. "talk to me baby, tell me what you're thinking" I stated, starting to feel a weighted sensation in my chest. I watched as avery anxiously mashed her lips together, as more silence lingered.

"I- I think I'm ready to come and visit" she said, as I left the frame of the facetime call to grab my computer. I chewed at my lip trying my best to contain my excitement, "I- I'll get you on the first jet out" I said as avery let out a low chuckle.

"how about you get a few hours of sleep, and arrange everything tomorrow" she said. I shook my head, "are you kidding me, baby, I haven't seen you in almost a month. If I could fly you out tonight, I would try and make it happen"

she let out another low chuckle, "do what you want crazy, but I'm going to sleep" she said as she watched me, resting her head in her hand. I nodded, "go on and get some sleep honey" I said as she blew me a kiss.

I chewed at my lip, "less then twenty four hours till those kisses are real" I said, shooting her a playful wink before she ended the call. not long after our conversation, I booked the first flight available. I could feel the adrenaline run through me, she was going to be here tomorrow night.
I sighed, feeling a wave of peace come over me - something I hadn't felt in awhile.

[pack those bags baby girl, you're coming to detroit! flight takes off tomorrow @ 5]
[be prepared, to be smothered in kisses]

[New Text Message: Avy Baby]

avery pov
a couple hours later

"okay, I notified the cowboys facilities that I will be out of town. If you need me for anything, call or text me" I said, continuing to pack. samantha rolled her eyes, unbothered. "aj, I- I can handle whatever needs to be taken care of. please go, and enjoy your time with him. I know you've been missing him"

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