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marshall pov
about a week later

avery's eyes fluttered open, as I gently tucked some loose hair behind her ear. "hey sweet girl" I said as she let out a small, sleepy smile at the sound of my voice. "hey.." she said as I pressed my lips to her skin.

"guess who's going home today" I said as her eyes lit up. "I get to go home today?" she asked excitedly, her voice still raspy from sleeping. I nodded and sat on the bed next to her, "the nurse came in earlier and said she'd be back to check a few vitals, but they are starting the paperwork" I said as there was a soft known on the door. 

samantha peaked her head in, "morning, honey" she said hushed as avery let out another small smile. "are you hungry, I brought your favorite" samantha said as she placed the brown paper mcdonalds bag on the hospital tray. 

"egg mcmuffin and hashbrown?" avery asked as she dug into the bag. samantha nodded, "who knows you better than me?" she asked before placing a cup of coffee in front of avery. she let out another smile, as her nose scrunched up in happiness. 

"marsh, I also got you you some breakfast. you need to eat something" samantha said as I rolled my eyes. "I'm fine, I'll eat it. but only because you bought it" I said playfully before grabbing the extra sandwich from the bag. 

"so, honey your parents called me last night letting me know that they had a press conference today. but mama g told me to tell you that they'll be by your apartment afterwards" samantha said as she started to pack my things. 

avery nodded, "but there's no need to worry, marshall and I will get you home and all settled" she said before there was another knock on the door. "good morning ms.jones, are you ready to get on outta here?" her nurse asked. 

"yes ma'am" avery said as she sat up. the nurse let out a low chuckle, "I bet so, honey" she said as she typed on the computer. "alright, I'm gonna get updated vitals and a few signatures and then whenever you're ready we can get you wheeled down"  

"hey marsh.. will you please pull my car around?" samantha asked as she extended her arm, with her keys in hand. "its the black tahoe, in the reserved parking right when you walk out of the main doors"

I nodded, grabbing the keys and a few of avery's things. "I'll see you downstairs, sweet girl" I said pressing a kiss to her forehead, before heading outside to the parking lot. I let out a relieved sigh as I sat in the drivers seat, pulling around around to the front of the hospital. 

I put my head in my hands, rubbing the exhaustion out of my eyes. I was more than exhausted, I felt utterly worn out but I didn't care because my angel was finally going home. and out of the corner of my eye I saw her being wheeled out the main doors. "you ready to get going?" I asked as she nodded adamantly. 

I opened the car door, as avery put her hands on each side of the arm rails of the wheelchair. she slowly pushed herself up before letting out low groans due to the pain. "take your time avery, we're here if you need the help" the nurse said, trying to reassure her. 

avery nodded, as she let out a deep sigh. refocusing herself, as she pushed through the pain to stand. samantha and I watched her intently, as she slowly put one foot in front of the other making it to the car. 
I quickly let out the breath I had been holding as I helped avery with her seat belt, "I am so proud of her, honey" I said barely above a whisper, before closing the passenger side door. 


"ohmygod, that was harder than I thought" samantha said as she buried her head in her hands as she leaned on the kitchen counter. "is she okay, is she comfortable?" I asked as samantha nodded. 

"I barely got her changed and into bed, she can't keep her eyes open cause of all this medication" she said as she let out a sigh. "its okay, she's okay and she's home. we can all take a breather" I said. 

samantha nodded in agreement as she let out a low mhm, "especially you, you need to lay rest and rest cause the times I saw you asleep in the hospital was non existent" she said sternly. I shook my head, "I need to stay awake. what is she needs me?"

"good lord, we are so much alike" samantha said softly. "mark would tell me everything I told you. he's tell me to come home and sleep, even if was for thirty minutes but I refused because I didn't want to leave her"

a silence lingered, 'I promise you, this isn't the first nor last time my sleep schedule will be all fucked up. but at least this time it's for a good reason" I said as I pressed my tongue to my cheek. samantha sighed, "alright, then I'm gonna head home for a little bit. I'll be back later, but call if you guys need anything"

avery and samantha were so well matched. whatever strength or skill one didn't have the other possessed it. their friendship dynamic was something that people could only hope for. 

they treated each other so much like family. they were each others ride or dies, no question about it. and the minute samantha knew that avery was hurt, she dropped everything to run to her. 

I sighed as I laid my head back on the couch, seconds before my phone started to vibrate. I let out an annoyed groan, "fuck" I said as I pulled my phone out of my pocket. "hello?" I said answering the call. 

"hey man, how's avery?" dre asked on the other end. 
"she's okay, she's sleeping right now. but man is she willing to put up a fight" I said softly. 

"yeah?" dre asked. I let out a low chuckle, "I could tell she was pushing through the pain, but she was adamant about standing up on her own to get in the car by herself."

"oh, do you have your hands full. but I'm happy she's home" dre said playfully. a silence lingered between the two of us, "dre, do you think I'm stupid for wanting to get married again?"

he cleared his throat, "other people may think its stupid, and other people may not approve of the age gap between the two of you. but fuck em' and do what makes you happy"

"I can't stop thinking about it. I can't not, think about a future with her" I said softly. "well it looks like you have your answer dude" he said as I peered into the bedroom, to see avery sound asleep. 

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