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[MATURE] 18+ 🌶️
avery pov
december 15, 2019

"alright, be honest. do I look as stupid, as I feel?" I asked, as samantha's eyes lit up. she clapped all too excited as I turned to look at myself in the mirror, before scrunching my nose up. "you look slutty, and I love it. now marshall really won't be able to keep his hands to himself"

I sighed, "sam" I whined out. she shrugged, "I'm just pointing out that you look hot as fuck in this uniform. nothing wrong with that, now, let's go show the boys" she said all in one breath, as she tugged on my arm, pulling me.

I shook my head, "n- no" I stuttered. "avery's dressed as a cowboys cheerleader!" samantha yelled, as she flung the door open to the suite. her smile beamed as I crossed my arms, trying to cover anything I could.
"what'ya in that for? you missed flinging your pom poms?" mark asked, as I rolled my eyes.

samantha interjected herself back in the conversation, interrupting mark. "avery was head cheerleader when we were in high school" she said, as I tried my best to avoid this whole shit show.
marshall looked me up and down before pressing his tongue to his cheek, "you look absolutely stunning in blue, baby"

I nervously chewed at my lip, "thank you" I said softly, realizing he was undressing me with his eyes. I could feel myself aching for his touch but I was interrupted.
"hey, honey let me snag a few pictures while you're all done up" samantha said, grabbing her phone.

I shook my head, "n- no, no pictures please" I begged as her face scrunched in confusion, "but, Avery" she said, as I shook my head."how about four quick pictures? nothing more" she said trying to negotiate but I refuse to budge.

"Ugh, two pictures" she said as I let out a dramatic sigh, giving into her craziness. "fine" I said, as she couldn't put her drink down fast enough. "smile for me, ace" samantha said excitedly, as I posed for the two pictures promised.
"okay, alright. no more" I said, blocking the camera before sitting down. "so, another thing about avery is, she loves the camera until she doesn't" samantha said as I rolled my eyes.

mark let out a chuckle, "dude, all you really need to know is that these two will always be up to no good, doesn't matter where they are or what they're doing" he said as marshall laughed.

"yeah, I- I'm starting to see that" he said playfully, before pressing a kiss to my skin. I let a quiet mhm, as I nestled myself into Marshall's arm."how long have you guys known each other?" marshall asked as I sarcastically counted my fingers.
I let out a sigh, and shrugged, "to long" I said as samantha threw a crumpled up napkin at me.

"avery!" she said.
"what?" I asked in between laughs.

"avery and I have been inseparable since kindergarten, and mark came long around our freshman year of high school" she said before taking another sip of her drink. "h- hey no one wants talk about mark. how did my pictures come out?" I asked as mark furrowed his eyebrows.

"girl, I don't know what you're talkin' about" he said, his southern accent coming out. "Im the freaking life of the party" he said as I let out a belly laugh.


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