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marshall pov 

my mouth hung open speechless, as my body physically couldn't put words together. I furrowed my eyebrows, "I- I'm sorry, but what did you just say?" I asked. without hesitation, avery looked me dead in the eyes and said it again. 

I cleared my throat, "deshaun holton?" I asked to clarify, as she nodded. I was just coming to terms that she was awake, and this, this was the first thing she said to me. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that she was talking about my dead, best friend who passed away years ago - someone she's never even met before. 

"you probably think I'm crazy" she said softly. I shook my head, "you'll think I belong down in the psych ward when I tell you the rest of the story" she said as I let out a low chuckle. "what happened, baby?"

"I saw myself lying on the bed as the did cpr, but everything went all white and he was sitting on the steps of a front porch. and he told me it wasn't my time to go, and that I- I couldn't take away your happiness because it's already happened once" 

I tried my best to hold every tear back, "I- I can't think you're crazy when something similar happened to me, when I overdosed" I said as I leaned into her. "but god I have missed you, so fucking much that it was physically killing me"

a silence lingered before she leaning into me, pressing her lips to mine as my anxiety melted away. "I'm sorry, marshall" she said. I shook my head, "oh sweet girl, you have nothing to be sorry for" I said, tucking some loose hair behind her ear. 

"you don't know, but everyone has taken over this hospital just waiting for you to wake up" I said as my fingers softly grazed her skin. she raised an eyebrow, "really?" she asked, curious. 

I nodded, "all around the room are deliveries for you, all these flowers and cards" I said as I pointed around the room. "paul and curt wanted you to know that they hand delivered their flowers to the room" I said as she let out a belly laugh.
the past fifty five hours had been an emotional roller coaster, but seeing her awake is all I needed. 


later that day

"hey, can I get you anything baby?" I asked. "some water, please?" she asked softly. I nodded before getting up, "I'll be right back" I said before gently placed a kiss to her forehead, before lovingly rubbing my nose to hers. 

I walked out to see dre still in the waiting room, "hey, how's she doing?" he asked as he followed behind me. I nodded, "she's awake, but she uh, she said something to me earlier that I just can't seem to shake" I said, shoving my hands into my pockets. 

"did she call you the wrong name, or some shit?" dre asked. I shook my head before letting out a deep sigh, "the first thing she said to me, was she met deshaun" I said softly. dre went silent, as he tried comprehending what I just told him. 

"wait, what? how in the world would she know who he was, or what y'all called each other?" he questioned. I shrugged, "she wouldn't, and that's why I believe what she's telling me. she told me she had that same kinda, outer body experience I did"

"she told me everything went white, and he was sitting there. he told her that it wasn't her time to go" I said as dre stood speechless. "maybe it all means something, like maybe this was a sign from deshaun, you know?" I said before walking back into avery's room. 

 her and I made eye contact. "look what I got you, sweet girl" I said as I held up the blanket and jello cup. she let out a small smile, as she snuggled into the warmth of the blanket. "bite?" I said as I opened up the jello cup and put some on a spoon for her. I let out a low chuckle as she scrunched her nose up, turning her head. "come on, just one bite honey" I said as she refused. 


time had passed and night time came again, "marshall, I'm tired" avery said softly, as she started to close her eyes. I nodded, "okay, just promise me you'll wake up and won't scare the shit out of me?" I asked as she let out a small laugh.

I kissed her before pulling the blanket up on her. I sighed as I sat in the recliner next to her, waiting for her to fall asleep, but my own thoughts kept me awake, more than usual. thinking something was going to happen, thinking she wasn't going to wake up again. I could hear the constant beeps of machines and jolts of the cpr machine in the back of my mind, they were now engraved there. 

at some point I had dozed off, but jolted myself out of sleep to the calm beeping of machines. I looked over at avery who was sleeping soundly, so I gently fixed her blanket and kissed her before walking out of the room and into the waiting room. "dre, what are you still doing here?" I asked confused. 

"so, if you need me I'm here" he said as he adjusted himself on the couch. "you could have went to the hotel, to at least sleep in bed" I said as I plopped down on the couch next to him. he shook his head adamantly, "I'm comfortable right here" he said as he crossed his arms.
he let out a sigh, "
I remember the night we lost jr, you spent the whole night with nicole and I at the hospital. you didn't leave once" he said softly. 

"I remember that night" I said softly before there was a silence between us. "dre, can I tell you something?" I asked as fumbled with my fingers. he nodded, "yeah, what's up?"
"I want to propose to avery, I want to marry her" I said softly. "fucker you better, look at the way she's got you worshiping the ground she walks on"
she made me an entirely new man, and almost loosing her was devastating. this was my sign from proof to be happy again. 

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