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[MATURE] 18+
marshall pov

as the girls made their way out the front door, so did avery. "p- please don't leave" I begged, as I followed behind her. avery stopped in her tracks, standing in the middle of my driveway as her tears continued to fall.
"I just want to go home, marshall" she bluntly stated.

"avery, please come inside. it's freezing out here" I said, as she stubbornly shook her head. I sighed, looking down at the ground. "baby please, come back inside and we can talk about it" I said, trying my best to keep it together.

avery eventually gave in, walking toward the house and closing the door behind her, as she dropped everything at her feet. "I- I can't do this anymore" she stated as tears continued to stream down her face.

"there's just so many obstacles and a lot of pressure for something so new" she said as I pressed my tongue to my cheek. "and what kind of relationship doesn't have obstacles avery? I- I mean, I knew this would happen, I understood that people may not like the idea of an age gap relationship"

"but honestly, I didn't care what I had to go through. as long as it meant I got to be with you" I said. her facial features softened, as the silence grew between us. "come lay with me" I said, holding out my hand for her to grab.

her fingers intertwined with mine as she followed behind me into the bedroom. nothing was said, but I held her as tight as I could. "I- I can't imagine how outta my mind I'd be if you left avery" I said, cradling her against my chest.

"I love you marshall" she said softly. I sat up, startling her, trying to comprehend what she just said to me. "w- wait, really?" I asked.

a mumbled yes escaped her. "god you know no idea, how relieved I am to hear you say that. I am hooked on everything about you, more so the next day than the last. I- I mean its the scariest, most exciting think i have allowed myself to do in years"
avery chewed at her lip, "marsh, I'm still gonna catch a flight back home" she said, avoiding eye contact with me. I quickly furrowed my eyebrows, "wait, why?" I asked as she let out a sigh.

"marshall, your daughter outwardly expressed how she felt about us being together" she said as I ran my hands over my face. "I have always put everyone else first. and I have done my damnedest to make sure that everyone was well taken care of. I- I mean when is it my turn to be happy?"

I pulled her into me, my lips lingered on her skin. "marshall, please don't make this harder than it already has to be" she said barely above a whisper.
I sighed, "please just stay for the night, and if you still want to leave in the morning I- I won't stop you"

as soon as those words left my mouth, I now wished I hadn't said anything at all. cause come morning, I'd be devastated if she left. avery and I laid there, melded in to each other as I continued to kiss every part of her. I was silent as I held her, fearing this was my last night with her by my side.

I nipped at her earlobe, "just one more time" I said. avery shook her head, insisting on saying no but her body language indicated something different. and then we were kissing, "marsh" she said, her voice raspy as she cupped my face with both her hands.

"yeah?" I answered in between sloppily placed kisses to her skin, as I made my way to the opening of her dress. nothing was said, nor stopped as I grazed my fingers along her bare skin before spreading her thighs apart, allowing me access.
I started to rub her through the lace of her thong, and again, my name was on her lips.

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