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avery pov
the next morning

I rolled over to the nonstop vibrations of my phone somewhere in the sheets. reruns of seinfeld still played from last night as I rubbed at my eyes, and tried to untangle myself from the linens of the bed.

"good god, what is so fucking important?" I questioned, letting out an irritated sigh. "its ten o'clock in the morning" I said as I found my phone, and sitting back against the headboard. butterflied swiftly erupted in my stomach, seeing marshall's name on the screen.

[New Text Message: Marshall Mathers] (2)
[Good Morning, beautiful]
[Please call me when you get a chance]

I let out a small smile.

[New Text Message: Samantha Koch] (5)
[AJ call me]
[Girl, we have serious issues here]

I let out a small exhale, continuing to scroll through my notifications. "jesus christ" I mumbled, trying to get caught up in the family text thread. but before I had a chance to answer back, aunt charlotte was calling.

"hey, aunt char" I said as I answered the call. "hey sugar, can you please head down to headquarters?" she asked, her voice hushed and gentle.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "yeah, what's going on?" I asked. she cleared her throat, "there are some things we need to address, and iron out honey" she stated, before hanging up. I sighed, resting my head in my hands for a minute as anxiety now completely took over my body.

"what the hell did I do?" I said under my breath, before getting up and grabbing the closest piece of clothing and my keys. I slid into the drivers seat, turning on the car, and heading to the coffee shop to pick up my mobile order.

I pulled into the drive through, rolling down my window as I came to a stop. "morning honey, what can I get ya?" the barista asked, as she slid the window open.

I let out a shy smile, "I did a mobile order for avery, it was an iced vanilla latte with an extra shot of espresso" I said. She nodded before handing me my drink. My nose scrunched in happiness, at the sight of the caffeine.

"alright, I'm here. what is so important that this couldn't wait another hour?" I asked unphased as I set everything down. dad cleared his throat, "sweetheart, I need you to explain these pictures of eminem, and yourself"

my face flushed, "dad, I- I" I said, stumbling over my words trying to find the answer they wanted to hear, "these fucking pictures are viral, everywhere I look avery" uncle jerry said, throwing his phone on the desk causing me to jump at the bang.

"and what about issac?" he questioned. uncle jerry took a minute to catch his breath, "and aj, I know you've been sneaking around with that security guard. keep that shit up and he will no longer work at this facility" he said, as I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"alright, enough. jerry stop attacking her, and give her a damn minute to speak" aunt charlotte said, trying to keep the peace. "this is a fucking pr shit show, char" he combated.
she rolled her eyes, before letting out a long drawn out sigh, "all business aside, this is still our niece, jerry" she stated. "go on honey, say what's on your mind" she said gently.

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