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Marshall POV

I chewed at my lip nervously swiveling my chair back and forth. I was working up the nerve to make this call, before instantly pressing the button. "what's good marshall?" denaun asked as he walked into the studio.

"shh" I said as he furrowed his eyebrows, sitting down. "southern roots, this is aubrey. how can I help you?" a young girl stated as the call connected. I quickly cleared my throat, "hi aubrey, i- is samantha available?"

"give me one sec, let me grab her real quick" she said before putting me on hold. denaun and I made eye contact as he raised his eyebrow in curiosity. I tried waving him away, before I heard voices in the background.

"this is samantha, how can I help you?" she said. "samantha, this is marshall. marshall mathers" I said as denaun leaned closer to me, eavesdropping. "oh, hey. how are you doin' sir?" she asked, her drawl almost as thick as avery's.

I let out a chuckle, "please don't call me sir, you'll make me feel older than what I already am" I said as she let out a belly laugh. "alright, well what can I do you for marshall?" she asked as I let out a sigh.

"I- I was just calling about avery's birthday this week" I said. she let out a quiet mhm, "good luck getting her to even talk about it, she's been moping around ever since you went back home" she said.
distressed, I let out another sigh. "don't I know it, I miss her so much" I said. silence lingered, "I was thinking about surprising her, and flying out for her birthday"

"oh, any ideas on how you want to surprise her?" she asked. I anxiously grabbed the back of my neck. "I- I'm not to sure, I'm not great with big romantic gestures but I will give her whatever she wants as long as she's happy"

"marshall, I- I just want to be clear that avery isn't impressed with any amount of money. she has been given everything she's ever wanted in her entire life but she still hustles for what she wants"

"she is the smartest, most humble person I have ever met. please don't break her heart into a million pieces" she said faintly. "I- I can't even bear the thought" I stated. samantha cleared her throat, "how about a room full of flowers?"

"she likes flowers?" I questioned.
samantha chuckled, "she's the biggest green thumb, have you seen her little garden out on her balcony yet? she says its a way for her to decompress"

"but I wouldn't know anything about that. I can't keep a cactus alive" she said. I let out a laugh, realizing that her and avery were so similar.

"what are her music preferences?" I asked. "the girl loves herself some koe wetzel and morgan wallen. to her, they could never put out a bad song so I'd suggest brushing up on some of their backlog" 

"alright, I can do that" I said nonchalantly. "but this should be easy peasy. I typically open the store, she doesn't trail in till about noon anyway. everyday, more than likely she tends to any matters at the cowboys facilities first"

"oh also, if you need to reach me please do not hesitate. my cell is 6822334578" she said. "thank you samantha, I- I'll see you in a few days" I said. denaun sat patiently, as he waited for the call to end.

"I assume this is for the girl dre and paul were telling me about, avery right?" he asked. I nodded before letting out a low mhm. "you seem to be really into this girl, I mean, I haven't seen you like that in forever dude"

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