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[MATURE] 18+ 🌶️
avery pov
the next morning

I groaned as my eyes fluttered open, noticing that his side of the bed was empty. I quickly furrowed my eyebrows, "marsh?" I called out, hearing no response. I let out a yawn, before grabbing my phone realizing it was on 7:45.

I spaced out, staring at nothing before running my hands over my face. "god, I need caffeine" I deadpan before getting out of the bed and making my way into the kitchen.

I shuffled around, and rummaged through the cabinets trying to find what I needed. "oh, coffee" I said as I grabbed a pod from the box, before throwing it into the keurig machine, and waiting for it to brew.

my nose scrunched at the sight of coffee, "mhm" I moaned out as I happily brought the mug to my lips to take a sip. within seconds the sharp bitterness of the coffee warmed my body. I let out a small sigh, looking around before opening more cabinets.

I mumbled out a low mhm, "he really wasn't lyin' there ain't much here" I said to myself. I was trying to make breakfast from the bare minimum. thinking on my feet, I mixed together a quick batter, before starting to heat a pan.

I poured some batter into the pan, anxiously waiting for the pancakes to cook. I reached for my phone, and started to scroll through spotify before play a koe wetzel playlist. I was content and in my own little world, hair a mess and coffee in my hand as I continued to make breakfast.
"hey there sleep head" I heard marshall say, as the garage door opened.

"hey.." I said, my voice still raspy from sleeping. "you cooking breakfast, baby?" he asked as he pulled me into him, and kissed the top of my head. I nodded, plating a few pancakes for marshall as he looked me up and down.
a sly smile curving his lips, "adorable bedhead, baby" he said teasingly.

I turned toward him, before flipping him off as he let out a low chuckle. "why'd you flip me off, I said it was cute baby" he said as I rolled my eyes. he quickly snatched me into his arms, "come on av, you know you are gorgeous and way outta my league" he said alluringly, as I wiggled free from his grip.

"I assume you were working out this morning?" I asked. marshall nodded, "mhm, every morning from six, till about eight. give or take" he said. I pursed my lips, "why didn't you wake me, I could have done some cardio" I said, taking a bite of food myself.

marshal's features softened, "because you were sleeping, and you just had a really long day yesterday so I figured I'd let you rest. but if you'd like to join me, you're more than welcome" he said between chews.
marshall anxiously cleared his throat, "I, uh. I invited my daughters over for lunch, this afternoon" he said, stammering over his words.

"oh.. okay" I said, mashing my lips together. marshall and I made eye contact, "i- I just figured it'd be more comfortable if we ordered in, and did this whole thing privately, you know?" he said as I nodded in agreement.

"whatever y'all wanna do" I stated. I watched marshall get up from the kitchen counter as his lips curled into a smile, "I can't wait for you to meet them" he said, as he pressed another kiss to my head.

"I'm gonna go wash off, but thank you for making breakfast honey" marshall said as he shot me a playful wink before walking into the bedroom. as he disappeared into the bedroom, I couldn't help but follow behind him.

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