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marshall pov 

I could feel the numbness spread all over my body. my head was clouded, and it felt like I could barely move but feet had another idea. I ran down the hallway, quickly meeting samantha on her knees after she was pushed out of the room. 

machines beeped rapidly, and conversations between staff members persisted. but all I could do was hold samantha as tight as I could, keeping her calm while I was crumbling. "get the, damn crash cart!" someone yelled. 
"charge to three hundred" another person yelled. 

silence lingered, and eerily it was the calm before the storm. but all that silence was followed by a huge jolt of noise, causing samantha to cry harder into my chest. "hey, i- it's okay" I said as I pulled her into me as tight as I could. 

"charge again!" I heard someone yell, as samantha winced anticipating a second jolt. I said a prayer under my breath, as I did my best to comfort her. the door slowly opened, their faces showing relief as they started walking out. 

"are y'all family?" the doctor asked, as we both nodded. he cleared his throat, "cpr was alot on her body, so I'm gonna order some more medication for her cause we want her to be as comfortable as possible" he said before walking away. 

I was frustrated, and confused that there were still no clear answer. I was absolutely shocked at how quickly everything could take a turn for the worst. I sigh, before sitting next to avery's bed, putting my head in my hands. 

"she's not gonna make it, is she?" I asked softly. the nurse who was tending to her looked up and shrugged, "I wish I could tell y'all what the outcome will be, but we're just, on her time mr.mathers"

"but talk to her, she can still hear everything that's going on" she said as she giving me a small sympathetic smile, before walking out. I ran my hands over my face, before leaning over and taking avery's limp hand in mine. 

"baby, please" I begged as I gently pressed my lips to her hand. "you gotta wake up for me baby, y- you have so much life left to live and so much more to accomplish and, I- I wanna be there for all of it" 
"you are everything to me, avery" I said as tears started to stream harder. "I- I mean, who's gonna laugh at me when I can't get the TV to work?"


"hey marsh, why don't you come downstairs with us and get something to eat" denaun asked as he leaned against the doorway of her room. I shook my head, "nah, I- I'm not hungry" I said as I declined. 

"marshall please, take a break" samantha begged. "you've been in this room for fourty eight hours, I promise, staring at her isn't gonna do anything" she said as I sighed, giving in. "fine, but call me if you need me" I said, before walking out of the room. 

as we made our way toward the elevator, we passed avery's parents as they were talking with the staff - and by the looks of their reactions they were informing them of what happened not to long ago. 

I tried to hold myself together, "come on, dude" denaun said as he grabbed a hold of my shoulder. I felt like I was walking through the twilight zone, fearing the unknown cause at this point nothing made sense. 

the hours dragged, it felt like days were never ending. moments of avery played over and over in my head as everyone else's voice were drowned out. I cleared my throat, "I- I'm gonna get some air" I said as I walked over to the glass entrance doors.

"I- I haven't seen him this tore up, since proof passed" paul said, not knowing I could still heard them. "what makes it worse, is proof also passed in april. It's just not a good month for him to begin with" denaun added.

"marshall was really happy. I- I hadn't seen him like that in a long time, and now i- it's all just crashing down around him" dre said.
they were absolutely right, when deshaun died I was becoming a person I didn't recognize to cope with the pain. and for years, I faked a smile for everyone's sake, but when avery came around everything started to change. I sigh, taking a minute before my phone started to vibrate. 

"hello?" I said as I answered the call. "marshall, come upstairs" samantha said as I heard the urgency in her voice. "okay, I- I'm coming" I said as I took off across the cafeteria, back toward the elevators. 

I ran as fast as my legs would take me, only to find avery's door closed and a ton of commotion behind it. I tightly shut my eyes butting my back against the wall, before slowly sliding down to the floor - saying another quick prayer. 

but as the door opened samantha poked her head out, "y- you wanna come in?" she asked. I shook my head as I fell silent, hesitant to go in. "I promise you won't regret it" she said as she tugged me into the room, noticing avery was awake. 

the air was sucked right out of me, as I watched her take in her surroundings. "she doesn't really remember what happened, so she's a little confused. but that's to be expected" her mom said softly

I let out a sigh, as my emotions overwhelmed me. "I- I'm gonna step out for a minute" I said as I closed the door behind me, before falling in the crouched position against the wall, my head in my hands. 

"hey, is avery okay?" nathan asked as everyone followed behind him. I quickly wiped the wetness from my cheeks as I nodded, "yeah, s- she's awake" I said softly. there was a loud collective yell in excitement as everyone piled on top of me, "alright, alright" I said as I let out a low chuckle. 

I walked in, watching as her parents loved on her as I sat back quietly. letting it sink it that she was actually awake. samantha cleared her throat, "h- hey stephan, gracie, why don't we give marshall a minute with her?" she said, as they all walked out. 

I took a deep breath, before slowly walking over to the recliner. I tried piecing together, every little thing I had wanted to say to avery for the last couple days. but she beat me to the punch, telling me something I never expected. 
"I met, doody" she said softy. 

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