Flying to Sydney

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Kat's P.O.V.

"Has everyone got everything?" Stormie, Ross' mum asked all of us in the lobby of the hotel.
I checked I had my backpack on my back and my suitcase was in my hand. "Yeah," I answered along with all the others.
"Ok let's get going to the airport. We don't wanna be late guys," Stormie stopped and walked over to me.
"Hey sweetie, the only ticket we were able to get near us was in the row behind us."
"That's ok. I'm just so thankful that you've gotten me a ticket at all," I replied.
"Oh, sweetie, I'm glad my Ross met you. You're such a sweet and humble girl. You'll be good for him,"
She winked at me at that last part. I just blushed and smiled.

"What's going on over here," Rocky asked us with a giant smirk.
"We're just talking about Kat's plane ticket" Stormie answered for us
"What about it. Is something wrong?"
"No honey. I was just telling her that the only ticket we were able to get close to us, was in the row behind us."
"Couldn't we get Ryland, you or Dad to swap with her so she can sit with us?"
"Rocky it's ok I don't mind." I really didn't mind. I was going to Sydney with my favourite band. If I had to sit next to strangers on a plane it would still be worth it.
"You sure?" He asked obviously hoping I'd change my mind
"Yeah, I'm sure. Thanks Rock."

The ride to the airport wasn't long. But the van was packed full of our luggage and us. I was squished in between Rydel and Ryland while Rocky and Riker were in front of us and Ross and Ratliff in front of them, with Mark and Stormie in the front. We managed to get to the airport just in time to go through security for our flight. It was like, a two hour flight and we had to be there at least half an hour before it took off.

Rydel and I were playing hand clapping games like I used to play in primary school while the boys were goofing around being stupid and not listening to Stormie.

When it was time to board the plane Ross came up to me and grabbed my hand to walk down the shute. I was about to let go and walk to my seat but he pulled me and sat me next to him. I saw Riker sit in my seat behind us.
"Why am I sitting here? And why is Riker sitting in my seat?" I asked Ross.
"I wanted to sit next to you, so I asked Riker to switch with you."
"That's so sweet of him," I said turning around and smiling at Riker.
"Yeah, but isn't me wanting to sit next to you sweet too?"
"Yes it is Ross." I gave a small peck on the cheek and settled into my seat.

I felt a little sleepy so I rested my head on Ross' shoulder. That's all I can remember until someone was shaking me awake two hours later.

So I'm starting to wonder whether or not this book is good enough. I have an idea of where it's going to go but I haven't received many thoughts or comments on the story.
But thank you to those who have commented and voted 💙💙. (I use blue hearts cause that's me fav colour).

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