Spilling the Beans

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We crept along the hall and went to see if the door was locked, and to our luck, it wasn't. We slowly turned the knob and opened the door to find the room a complete mess. The blankets and pillows were all over the floor and I saw brown hair poking out from the pile. We crept up to the mess and lifted whatever it was carefully to see who was underneath. It was Maia Mitchell. She was at the party last night, but I hadn't quite gotten on well with her. There was something about her, that just seemed a bit off. She was nice, but that fake nice that girls are to me at school before they go and talk about me behind my back.

There was another head on the other side so we moved what was covering that person too and saw Garret Clayton. Maia started to stir, so we legged it out of there. I ran down the stairs, right on Ross' heel until we reached the living room.
"I'm not even sure she was waking up, but I just ran." Ross laughed.
"Yeah. I didn't want to be there when she did." We laughed at our escape until we realised who we were escaping from.
"So.... Maia and Garret........" Ross said.
"Do you think?......." I asked.
"No, no. No." Ross said sillily. "Yes," he admitted.
"Wow," was all I could say.

We both plunked onto the couch at the same time. Silent for a few minutes.

"Didn't see that coming," Ross laughed, breaking the silence.
"You're cool with that?"
"Um.. yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" He seemed confused.
"Didn't you have a thing for her? Enough to write and record a song about her?"
"That was ages ago. Before you. And it was just a good story that we could write a song about. I thought you were ok with all this?" He asked getting a little agitated.
"I am. I'm totally cool with it. I just thought that she still meant something to you. You know, like she was a really good friend?"
"Right." He calmed down again. "Yeah, I still care about her. But as you said, she's a good friend and a grown woman. I can't tell her what to do."
"Yeah I guess. Haha."

"Speaking of Maia, what did you think of her?" He changed the subject.
"Oh I loved her. I couldn't believe I met Maia Mitchell. She was so nice." I decided that I'd leave out the part about feeling a tad iffy around her.
"That's really good. She's actually taking a little break and heading back home to Australia for a few months. Maybe you guys could catch up and get to know each other." He suggested. I didn't want to be rude and say no.
"That sounds like a good idea. Then we'd have another friend in common."
"That'd be awesome. And it would make me feel better knowing she was there with you when I couldn't be." Oh great.
"Good idea." I said kissing him trying to shut him up.

We pulled away and snuggled together on the couch. I checked the time in my watch and saw it was only 7:25 and groaned audibly.
"What's wrong Puppy?" Ross asked from beside me.
"It's just so early," I moaned. "And my head is killing me." I put my hand to my temple and started rubbing.
"A hangover will do that to you." he pat my back causing my already funny tummy to start doing flips. I hopped up and ran to the bathroom to try and empty my stomach again. When I was done and certain that I wouldn't go again, I stood up to be pushed out of the way by Rocky and Riker who both leaned their heads over the bowl. I'm surprised neither of them managed to get vomit all over each other, but Rocky's hair was getting in his face so I decided to help and pull it back and ponytail it for him. I brushed my teeth again and left them to their own devices.

Even though Ross was downstairs I went back to his bedroom to slip back into bed. Emily and Lucy were asleep together in Ry's bed so I scooted them over a bit and hopped in. I was so tired and they had made the bed warm already. As soon as I got comfortable and relaxed, I zoned out completely.

I was woken when I hit the floor. I lifted my head to see where I was. Right, I was in Ross' room and I had gone back to sleep in Ry's bed with the girls. I looked back up on the bed and saw Emily, Maya, Rocky, Ryland and Delly were in the bed all smooshed together. Ok seriously how did all these people end up sleeping in a bed together. I mean I fell asleep with the girls there for warmth because I'm used to sleeping with someone now, but I had no clue why these others were in the bed. I just shook the thought from my mind and went looking for my phone. I hadn't even looked at it since before the party last night which is pretty good for me since I'm addicted to my phone.

I found it in a pile of my dirty clothes next to my suitcase. I picked it up and saw that I had a few unread messages from Ben.

Message 1: 10:46pm
S'up sis. I know you're probs busy with that New Years party going on, but I wanted to wish you a happy New Years and I can't wait to see you soon. ❤️

Message 2: 10:53pm
I also wanted to say sorry about you having to comeback and help mum with Jason and Charlie. They're not deathly sick but a sick 10 and 9 year old is a handful. Have fun while you can, bitch 😈
No chick flick moments ❤️

Message 3: 12:04
Happy New Year sis!

I just left it as is. He didn't need a reply from me. But I did need to start packing if I was going to head back home tomorrow. I looked at the sleeping pile of people on the bed and decided that I'd do it later. I took my phone with me downstairs so I could sit somewhere quiet and play it. At the top of the stairs, I bumped into someone, dropping my phone and it fell down the remaining stairs.
"Dude?!" I asked the person, not looking up and just keeping my eyes on my phone as it reached the bottom.
"Sorry. I wasn't looking." I looked up and saw Riker. I laughed.
"Ok, this is like the third or something time that we've bumped into each other cause neither of us were looking," I giggled.
"I know. We gotta start looking where we're going," he laughed as well. "Sooooooo.......... how was your night?" He asked.
"Heh, from what I remember it was good," I blushed.
"Yeah, you got pretty wasted."
"And now I'm suffering." I put my hand to my head.
"What? Why? What happened?" He seemed so concerned.
"Oh no. I'm just suffering a hangover. That's all," he calmed down dramatically.
"I thought you'd done something wrong and now you had to suffer the consequences," he said.
"No. At least not that I think so. I might've gone a little crazy but I don't think I would've done anything that I would regret."
"Ah, that's good then," he said as if he was hiding something. I raised my eyebrows in question at him and he just shook his head and waved his hand no at me. "Just make sure you drink heaps of water and don't skip any meals today. It helps," he suggested.

"Thanks Rike, I'm gonna miss you," my hands shot up to my mouth. We hadn't told anyone else that I had to go home yet.
"What? What's happened now?" He put his hands on my shoulders. I decided to come clean and just say it since I'd let it out of the bag.
"My two younger brothers back home are sick, my dad's been called to the mines for 6 months and Ben's uni course starts earlier than we thought, so I need to go home and help mum with my little brothers." I rushed out in one breath. I felt tears brimming in my eyes but I used all my willpower to stop them from coming out. I'm guessing Riker saw because he pulled me into a warm embrace.
"When did you find all this out?" He asked with his arms still around me.
"Yesterday. Mum called Stormie and told her so she knew what was going on and I was able to hear it from someone in person," I said against his chest.
"Oh Kat, I'm so sorry." he started rubbing a hand on my back trying to comfort me.
"It's ok. I just have to get over it. I have no choice." I said pulling away from his hug.
"You're a strong girl. I know it's nothing huge and devastating, but it still takes a lot of balls to have that kind of attitude about this situation," He complemented.
"Thanks. It's just sometimes how you have to deal with things in life." I shrugged it off.
"Still, I'm gonna miss you."

S'up guys. I just wanna say that I have nothing against Maia Mitchell it's just for the story. She's a beautiful and talented Aussie and I totally support her.

But please vote and comment on my story. It's almost finished, another 2 chapters to go guys 😊

love ya's 💙💙💙💙💙

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