I Chose, but I Have a Promise to Keep to my New Friend

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"I guess I'd say Ross," I answered.
"Aaaahhhhh!!!!" Rydel screamed right in my ear.
"Rydel, why are you screaming?" Stormie turned and asked her
"Sorry Mom. Just girl talk."
"Ok Honey, just keep it down. We don't need the attention,"
"I know. Sorry. I'll keep it down."

"OMG, I'm so excited!!!"
"You asked me a hypothetical question and I answered. Why's that so exciting?"
"Because out of all my brothers you chose Ross. Something's going to happen between you two," her smile was so big, her eyes were tiny.
"No. No. Nothing's going to happen. You asked a question I answered. That doesn't mean anything is going to happen,"
"But you want something to happen, don't you?" The smile on her face told me all too much about her intentions.

"Yeah. Of course I would. I'm a fangirl turned friend. That's like a dream come true, but I feel it's too good to be true."
"Aaaw. Well this is all real. My brothers really do like you, I really like Ratliff. And you're the best friend that's going to help me be with him, and I'm the best friend that's going to help you with my brother."
She had put her arm around me and we were walking along as if we were drunk.

"That's true I am going to help with Ratliff. But let's just hold off on the whole me and Ross thing right now. Ok?"
"Sure. Now when we're you planning on asking Ratliff out?"
"Um, maybe after lunch. I can stay behind a little and ask to talk to him. How does that sound?"
"Amazing! You are a great friend. What would I ever do without you?"
"Crash and burn," I said in an American accent.
"Is that a quote from something?"
"Yeah, just a show I like. Haha"
"What show?"
"Uh, supernatural."
Just then we arrived at the restaurant.

2 hours later

"You ok Kat?" I looked up and saw Ratliff standing in front of me while everyone else had walked to the front of the restaurant.
"Wha, oh, yeah. Sorry I guess I just got lost in thought. Heh," that wasn't a total lie. I couldn't stop thinking about what Rydel and I had been talking about earlier. The whole me and Ross situation. I'd always had that fantasy that it would happen but now it seems like it could and I'm freaking out.

"You ah, you looked kinda out of it." Ratliff said to me before walking back to stand next to me
"Is there anything I can do to help you or something?" Ok. Now's my chance. Ask him. Without the others hearing it. You're doing this for Delly.
"Uh, actually, there is something you can do," I was trying my hardest to be flirty right now so he would say yes.
"Sure, what is it?"

"Would you like to maybe, um, go out with me tonight?" I said so shyly. I was a afraid I hadn't said it loud enough
"Like a date?" His eyes were sparkling, it scared me a little.
"Yeah, like a.. like a date,"
"Really?" I was a little skeptical. I'd never asked a guy out before and I had to make sure this was going according to plan.
"Yeah. Unless you were just kidding then, uh, this just got awkward."
"Haha. No I wasn't kidding."
"Then I'd love to go on a date with you tonight,"

I saw Ross heading over to us at that moment and I didn't want this conversation to continue with him around.
"We'll talk later. When we're alone," I whispered before I headed off in Ross' direction.

"What's happening here guys? Are we going?"
"Sorry, just asking El something." I answered him
"About?" Ross looked confused and I had nothing, no good answer.
"Just a TV show we both watch. She's not up to date and she wanted me to give her some spoilers," holy shit Ratliff just saved our asses
"Heh heh, ok. But we have to go now, so can those spoilers wait?" Ross said
"If they have to," I said trying to put on a believable whine.
We joined the others and headed back to the hotel to chill out for the afternoon.

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