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I love you with all my heart and I want to spend the rest of my life with you......

Holy crap! He's not proposing is he?!! He better not be. We're not ready, we're too young, at least I'm too young. Where's he going with this????

"I know now's not the right time to get married or anything now. But would you maybe like to marry me one day?" He was blushing and holding both my tiny hands in his large masculine ones. Thank god!

"Yes! Ross I was worried about where you were going with that, but yes, I would love to marry you one day." I laughed. Not a mean laugh but a relived and happy one.
"Really?!" He was so excited.
"Haha, of course dummy. I love you." I playfully slapped his arm.
"Would you wear this then. As a promise that you will one day say yes to being my wife?" He had taken off his 'R' ring and was holding it in the palm of his hand. I gasped.
"Are you serious? Your ring?" I was in shock a little.
"Heh, uh, yeah. Is that a problem?"
"No. No. Not at all," I looked at him with stars in my eyes.
"So then, would you?" He asked again.
"In every language. Oui, si, ya, yes." I giggled. And with that he slipped the ring on my left ring finger.
"You had to put it on that finger?" I asked teasingly.
"People will see it on that finger and realise that your taken." I just laughed at how silly he is.
"I'm serious. Everywhere we go, I see so many guys checking you out. It's so hard not to get jealous" I took his hand in mine and squeezed it tight.
"Are there really guys checking me out?"
"How could you not notice. They whistle and stare at you, it's so obvious."
"Not to me. I don't notice any of them, because you're the only one I see."
"I think I'm starting to rub off on you," he chuckled.
"I was thinking the exact same thing earlier!" I squealed.
"You're so cute," he picked my left hand up and kissed it softly. "I love you, Puppy."

He sat back down next to me and got comfortable before I nestled into his side again. It was so comfy just lying there with him and the towels wrapped around us like blankets. It was so warm and cozy that I slowly started to drift off into sleep.........

I woke up in the back of a car, still nice and warm in someone's arms. I opened my eyes just enough to see a head of bright blonde hair leaning against the back of the seat.
"You're awake," he said slightly surprised.
"Sorry. I fell asleep on our date." I was a little ashamed.
"Why're you sorry? You're so cute when your asleep. You have a cute little snore, and you mumble strange things occasionally." He let out a quiet laugh.
"Yeah, but we were on a date. On your birthday. And I just fell asleep. Right after you.......I don't know what to call what you did. You didn't quite propose to me but you kinda did?" I said quietly so Mark in the front wouldn't hear.
"I guess we could say I pre-proposed." he laughed.
"So your my pre-fiancé?" I teased.
"Huh? I like that. Pre-fiancé." I leaned up and kissed his cheek.
"So you had a good birthday?" I asked.
"The best. Although it means that I'm no longer a teenager anymore. Haha"
"No you're not, old man." I shoved him playfully.
"You're the one dating the old man," he shoved me back, winking. I just rolled my eyes before settling my head on his shoulder and going back to sleep.

I woke up again in Ross' arms, but this time we were in bed and the sun was shining through the closed curtains.
"Wake up sleepy heads!" Rydel screamed as she flung the door open. Ross was startled awake and he sat straight up in bed.
"It's time to get up guys. Mom made breakfast and she sent me to wake you up." I rolled over and put my face into the pillow and groaned. I heard the door close carefully and Ross' hands on my back.
"Wake up sleeping beauty. You went to bed early last night, how can you still be tired?" Ross laughed.
"I don't know. Sometimes I get unusually tired and sleep for hours in the day. Aah, the lazy days I'd spend in bed." I recounted. He just laughed at me and pulled me close.
"Well we could do that today. After breakfast of course." He suggested.
"Nah, we're young and in love, let's go do something."
"What do you wanna do?" He asked slipping out of bed and heading for his closet.
"Go shopping, drive around. I don't know, just hang out together outside the house."
"Sounds like fun. But first," his stomach rumbled.
"Wow, what perfect timing. Hahahaha," we both laughed as I got out and got dressed too.

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