3. It's you?!

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"Oh son" Mr. Kim said when the-

'Holy shit HE is his son?!?...' I panicked when the boy from earlier, in the morning, came in.

'I think I'm done then..' I drowned in frustration and was shocked as hell while the tall boy entered the office.
As though his hair is messed up, he still looked fine.

"Okayy, you came on time, and why is your hair like this?" The dad looked confused as he stood up.

"Nothing, I just met that bastard on my way and he liked my cap so he took it" The boy shrugged and straightened the outstanding hair locks a little.

His father sighed heavily and put his hands behind his back "Greet Jeon Wonwoo, your new secretary"

"I really said I don't want any secretary dad" The young man replied in annoyance, looking coldly at his father.

"Be polite Mingyu, he's older than you" The CEO said strictly "Greet him and be nice, he's pretty smart and I'm sure you'll like him"

Then the boy called Mingyu let out a groan and messed up his hair in an annoyed way. I smiled awkwardly while looking at him.

"Hi Wonwoo." He shortened his greetings without any expressions and turned to the coffee machine to fill a cappuccino cup. Later he passed forward and sat on the sofa that his dad was sitting on.

At the same time Mr. Kim said again annoyed by his son's manners "Respect Mingyu! He's your teacher!"

The loud huff I suddenly heard put my spine on its end. With the corners of my eyes, I looked at him as he stood up passionlessly and extended his hand.

I did something stupid, I turned my gaze to the CEO then held his hand and shook it, he was glaring at me while squeezing my hand hardly.

'It will be a long journey' I sighed internally and flinched at the sudden screams of the boy when he turned to his dad.

"What do you mean by my teacher??!"

"Yes, I hired him to be your own teacher and secretary, he'll take care of you"

"What- You mean he'll always be with me wherever I go??" And his dad only hummed at him. "Can't you all understand?? I told you I don't want to, for hundreds of times!"

"Stop yelling, I already did and that's done"

Mingyu turned around and glared at me then left the office with a bang of the door.

"I am sorry about how he acted" His dad apologized "Our main problem is that he's like that. Actually, we didn't take good care of him when he was a kid, we were always abroad, either for work or on a vacation. When we travel we let him with his older sister so she took care of him" He lowered his head while holding his hands tightly "They're only siblings that's why his sister was too soft-hearted and indulgent with him"

I didn't know what to say to make the atmosphere more comfortable and just looked at the floor.

"It is ok now don't worry" He raised his head and smiled at me which I returned. "You may be jumbled up now, come to show you around"

"Excuse me now" I got up and fixed my clothes.

"Of course, please this way, I'll tell my secretary to take you to your office"


The office was amazing as I thought. Has nice decoration, a blue Navy couch in front of the window two meters away. A desk with shelves behind for the work papers and many small details, like wardrobe, clothes, table and those things.

I realized the sofa has a remote on its side, I picked it up and clicked a random button, the seat cushions slowly extended and made a look like bed.

"Woah, who thought I'll work in such a place" I threw myself on it and closed my eyes.

Minutes ago, I heard someone knocking on the door. I hurried up and saw through the dimmed glass door it was Mia, Mr. Kim's secretary.

"Oh hello" I opened for her and she smiled.

"Mr. Jeon I hope you're comfortable here and that's a present, wish you'll accept it" She handed me the present and I was confused.

"What's the need, from who?" I asked blankly looking at the nice wrapped box in my hands.

She chuckled nervously and said quickly "Aa.. just a welcome gift" And went outside after bowing her goodbye.

"My last time doing this for you!! And yes he accepted it" Mia shout-whispered to her friend then looked blankly at her and said slowly "But weren't you going to give it to Mingyu..?"

"Uh, forget it, Mingyu already has a girlfriend, I mean they're both breathtaking but Mingyu already have someone, let's return to our work before the CEO comes"

I was staring at the present in my hands until I decided to open it.

I unwrapped it and there was a letter inside and a food box, I grabbed the letter and checked it before opening to read what's written.

'Hello...' There was a black colored word after, maybe the sender made a mistake, ok whatever let's continue.


I don't know what to write down but I'll say what's in my mind. I'm really shy to give it to you directly so there's someone else who'll give it to you. I feel embarrassed to write it myself, but really I can't tell you face to face. And what I was going to say was that... I fell in love with you at first sight, that's disgusting I know but I really do and hope you'll accept my confession. I made a home made dish with all my love for you and I wish you'll like it if you didn't accept my feelings. That's what I wanted to say and I'll wait until you know who I am by yourself ♡


That's what was written in the letter and at the end was the alphabet M? Maybe that's the first letter of the sender's name.

"Ouuh, not from the first day please" I groaned and tilted my head backwards "Oh right, the food box!" I hurried and took the food out from the present.

It was perfectly arranged and the food looks tasty, I can feel my stomach growling. There were dumplings, rice, gimbap, mozzarella cheese hotdogs, a cola can and a water bottle at the sides of the food box. They were organized in a perfect way.

"Whoever you are, I am very thankful" I thanked dramatically and wiped my non-existence tears. "But I wonder... How in the world is she so fast to even cook all of this in only 1 hour??!"


The chapters are between 800 and 1300 word, and yes English isn't my first language so there may be some mistakes, sorry

Thanks for reading, luv u and bye ♥︎

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