6. Help

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"Wonwoo I want you to help Mingyu with his homework today, he got it for three days ago and until now he hasn't done it" Mr. Kim said to me as I nodded.

"Me and his mom aren't home this night, we are invited to my friend's house, he got a newborn yesterday"

I looked confused of why do I need to know, then he explained "You can come home to him or take him with you to your house, your choice"

'I wish it'll go well'. "Yes sir" I looked at Mingyu who was sitting in front of me, he was glaring at me and the hell can be seen in his eyes.

"Good then, end of today's meeting" The CEO said and we all get up and started to pack our papers and notes to leave.

After I left and was on my way to my office to take my bag to leave, Mingyu came and stopped me.

"Look here, I know my dad trusts you and everything but I'm warning you if you do something I'll kill you, you can come at 7pm, my parents will leave at 5, I don't want to go with you, and here's my address" He gave me a piece of paper then continued his way out of the building without hesitation.

It's 2pm now so after... 5 hours..


"Mom I'm going now, wish me luck!"

"Good luck sweetie, be nice with him and take care and be careful on your way!" She shouted from the kitchen.


I feel myself lost now "Why didn't I ask for his number??" I scratched my head while looking at my phone which the maps app was on.

When I looked around several times I saw a nail salon. I hurried and walked there, a 'pling' was heard when I entered. A tall woman with a ponytail and a mask on came to me.

"Excuse me, I think I got lost here do you know this address?" I showed her the paper and prayed internally to answer my question.

"Oh of course, everyone know this house in this area, the boy there is very handsome and popular here"

I smiled "Can you please show me the way there?"

"If you stand outside of our salon and turn left you'll see a long road in front, if you walk until it's end then turn right you'll see an apartment, there behind it's located"

"Thank you" I said and exited the salon then followed what she told me. I kept repeating her words in my heart to not forget the way.

I was in front of their house in 10 minutes, it's really big. I entered the garden and it was beautifully organized, although it's hard to see it at night.

The flower bushes leading to the entrance with some lamplights on them.

'The decoration is magnificent!'

Before I could even knock on the door, it opened and I was welcomed with a lazy fluffy haired Mingyu who had his pyjamas on, he looked like he was sleeping.

"Come in" He said and walked before me.

I closed the door and took of my shoes.

"You don't have to take your shoes off" Mingyu said, but I already did.

"You can go and sit in the living room while I'm going to make something"

I sat on the couch and looked around the room, it was amazing, I am sure his mother is a designer, it's very beautiful and everything was perfectly placed.

The white wallpapers, light grey couches and the red flower vases with the slight touch of organization makes the home too comfortable.

"Do you have the books?" I asked when we sat down, each one waiting for the other to talk.

He didn't say anything and got up and brought the three books that was on the cabinet.

I was laying on the ground on my stomach when he laid down across to me.

"It's physics homework and I suck at it, we have to write a summary about the supernova and answer some ass-weird questions"

"Oh~ I had difficulties in studying it too, we can help each other" I looked at him and smiled which he returned.

'He's very different when he is home, I think there is something that causes him to be different outside'

"Ok, first we have to read the pages in the book" I said and took the physics book from him "Want to read it alone or I do it loud?" The boy pointed at me and put his head down on his crossed arms on the floor. I opened on the decided pages Mingyu told me about and started reading and somehow repeating the old information I learned.

Quickly I finished reading them in 25 minutes, we got tired of laying on the same position for so long. My elbows hurts.

I laid flat down on my stomach and rubbed my arms. And Mingyu did the same. He was stretching when suddenly slapped me on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry" He quickly sat up and started to check on me with the same lazy expression he had since I arrived.

"No it's alright I'm fine" I patted his hand that was on my shoulder and smiled at him though it hurt.
He apologized again and dragged his hand from mine.

I softened at his words "Should we start?" He nodded and opened his Chromebook.

We were studying and helping each other when he suddenly said "You look cute in this white oversized hoodie"

"Yo-you think so..?" I mumbled and he hummed.


"Thanks" I tried to hide my blushing face so he can't see.

"No need to be embarrassed, I'm only saying what I think" Mingyu tapped the last sentence on his computer then turned around to me.

"Drink your drink, before it gets warmer" He handed me the orange juice glass and I thanked him with a pink shade on my cheeks.

I was sitting silently beside him after he finished to check on what he wrote, when I felt him leaning on me.


This chapter was fluffy fluffy ঞ

Thank you all for reading ♥︎

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