25. Dinner together...

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(Continuing to part 24)

I sat as far as I could from Mingyu, I don't want any physical contact with him. It made the situation worse and more awkward.

'I am about to die~' My internal self was nervous as hell and praying for the time he'll leave.

"I bet he already told you.." Mingyu filled the silence with that sentence, shyly looking at the floor with his hands tightened together.

"What are you talking about, who told me what?" I'm confused, what does he mean by 'told me?' 'Did Soonyoung tell him?? This hamster!'

"Eino, didn't he-"

"No he didn't say anything..? I don't even have his number" I shook my head and took a sip from my glass of juice I made when I made my mom's.

Mingyu quickly lifted his head up surprised with a huge shining smile on his face "Really!" I nodded.

"What was he going to say anyway?" My curious self can't be hold in anymore.

"Ah! Nothing, something we- okay forget about it" He waved his hands in front of him and sighed tiredly.

"You're alright right?" I tried to keep the conversation going as I tilted my head to the side.


Our eye contact was cut off when we heard a crack coming from upstairs, it was my mom, why is she up, I told her to stay in bed.

"Mom what brought you here!" As soon as I saw her I stood up quickly and ran to her, while getting up I hit my leg with the edge of the table. I groaned and rubbed it slowly and put on a pout. When I stood up straight I saw Mingyu standing beside her helping, I rushed to them.

"It's alright, I can help her" My eyes gazed at Mingyu as I was telling him to go back to his seat as I shoved his hand from her back.

"No no I am alright, your mom needs help, isn't that right auntie?" His made up innocent face was looking at my mother and she laughed, I can see she doesn't know what to say.

"No. You're. The. Guest. I can help her by myself" I tightened at my fake smile and pushed his hand away again and led my mom down the stairs.

He run, thought it wasn't that much steps separating us, three or four, and hold my mom's right arm placed his other hand unintentionally over mine on my mother's back.

I looked at him and he was already looking back, I pushed his hand away and glared at him. He shrugged and put it back.

I looked at him in shock and slapped his hand aggressively then smiled and helped my mom to lie down on the sofa.

"You guys don't have to fight, I'm fine" Her laugh makes me relieved everytime.

"You heard that?" I crossed my arms and looked at Mingyu then turned quickly to my mother, she was smiling in an incomprehensible way while looking at me.

"I-I'm going to my grandma" My eyes was looking everywhere, trying to not embarrass myself, I spoke up in a quick way and pointed backwards.

"She's still asleep, don't interrupt her" Her gaze turned to me and Mingyu then said again "Aren't you going to make breakfast? You boys can help each other, right Wonwoo?"

I widened my eyes and shouted "What?! No" And waved my hands in front of myself 'What are you doing mom?!' I mouthed to her and tightened on my teeth with tensed furrowed eyebrows.

"I'm not hungry" I lied and turned to the other way, I don't want to interact with him, what is mom trying to do!

"You're hungry aren't you Mingyu?" She asked the tall boy and before he could answer I replied "No he's not, he'll leave soon am I right?" I put my hands down to my sides and turned to him and gazed.

His eyes traveled to the floor, he doesn't know what to say "Uhh..."

"Wonwoo respect, go and prepare the breakfast" My mouth turned into a pout then whined "Mom I said he'll leave soon"

"So then... Mingyu?" The boy moved his eyes off me and looked at her "You're invited to eat dinner with us today, that's settled"

No one has a problem with that... but the only one is me! I walked to my mom and hold her hands then started whispering "Why! I can't be in the same room as him, please cancel, I'll be so awkward around him, mom~"

"Stop being childish, you have to confess for him and end hurting yourself, and please stop screaming" I shouted in the middle of her sentence then she ruffled my hair after she finished talking.

I got up and tried to avoid looking at Mingyu and made my way to the kitchen.

After few minutes Mingyu came in, I didn't notice him until he poked my waist and I screamed frightened and hold up the spoon in my hand ready to attack, though I was washing the dishes.

I heard my mom laughing from the other room and Mingyu was giggling and trying to hold in his laugh "What the hell?!! Didn't I tell you not to do that, you scared me to death"

'I didn't mean to yell at you' My internally self was crying out and worried as I'm having that hard approaching and cold expression on my face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to" The guilt started to came out in his voice, he lowered his head to the floor and started apologizing and blaming himself.

"Ok ok that's enough, I forgave you. Please stop this, I'm sorry too" His bright face lit up again and smiled widely.

My heart fluttered and I smiled, but shrugged it away quickly. But my heart beating, I can't do anything about it, 'Shit, just calm down'

In the middle of the silence he spoke up "I got kicked out of the house"


I don't know what to say but thanks everyone and for those who's voting (T^T)♡
Please stay healthy and always happy

Bye ♥︎

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