5. First conversation

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"You didn't bring your lunch, did you?" Mingyu looked at me with a mysterious look.

He didn't speak since he came here in the morning. And now finally, he spoke with me after half an hour of silence at the lunch break.

His dad sent him to my office to do his work at my place, and for me to look after him.

I turned towards him and laughed nervously, his aura is scary thought he's the one who should be scared of me. I'm crying, looks like he is going to tutor me.

"N-no, but don't worry I have the ones those girls gave me today"

"Who said I'm worried?" He was very cold and I can't continue with him like that. His answers are as sharp as knives.

'Oh' Is the only thing I could say.

Then the door was knocked and Mia came in.

"Who said you can come in lika that?" Mingyu said as soon as she entered. He's so bad tempered!

"Sorry, we have some papers for Mr. Jeon-" She apologised and Mingyu cut her off.

"What if we were doing something? Then you coming in just like that?"

I can see her embarrassed, she feels guilty.

"It's alright Mia give me the papers-" I got up to bring them from her and was about to continue talking but Mingyu startled me by saying strictly "No it's not!"

"Don't listen to him and give me the papers" I continued without caring about what the younger said. I heard him scoffing.

Mia laid the papers on my desk then apologized again and left in a hurry.

"At me, you have to respect and be polite with everyone, you hear me?" He didn't answer "Even with kids too" I added after a while while organizing the papers and laying them on the table.

"So annoying, my dad was at wrong for bringing you here" He mumbled and scoffed sarcastically and didn't continue his eating, instead he started pecking his food.

"You know I'm older than you right?"

"Yes, so what?" He shrugged and I sighed helplessly.

"Never mind"

Another half an hour passed and he was just sitting on the couch wiggling with the pen in his hands with crossed legs.

"Soo.. How is your school studies going?" I broke the silence.

He didn't answer directly but then said "Why do you care? It's good"

"Are you sure? Your father said these last two months weren't going well for you, what were you doing all that time?" I flipped the page I was working with and checked the content.

"None of your business" He said and laid down on the couch and lift up his feet on the couch's arm.

I took my glasses off and looked at him then said after a while "Can't you sit properly?"

"What's your problem with me?"

"It's me who should be asking you"

"I don't have anything" He turned his head again to the ceiling.

"Then sit properly, respect and answer my question"

He sighed "You are so annoying why did he even bring you here"

"You must listen to me, as I ordered-" I was cut off when he suddenly stood up and walked towards me.

"Do you have any problems in your life so you came here to blame me?!" He shouted but not so loudly while laying his hands on my desk scaring me.

I flinched at the sudden scream of him then he continued "I don't really want you to fucking teach me or anything stupid, I know what I do!"

"You want to work, just do something not related to me ok?!" He brought his face closer to mine and pointed at my forehead with his finger. "Don't listen to my dad, he is doing the things he THINKS is good, only in his perspective, I hate people who interfere in my life"

After he finished he straightened up properly and laid one hand on his hip and the other one ran it through his hair then sighed "You're really annoying" And left.

I let out a sigh I didn't know I was holding in and stared at the door.


"Are you alright son? You didn't eat well since you came home" My mom was worried.

"Oh sorry, just thinking" I smiled at her hoping she'll feel relieved.

"Tell me, I will listen to whatever you have" She moved closer to me and laid her hand on my shoulder while the other was stroked my back.

"You know what I work with right?" And she just hummed. "Yes, this boy is... I don't know how to explain but he's like,, too impolite with everyone and especially me, I don't know why. He's always rude and I seriously don't know why. I know his parents didn't take good care of him when he was a kid, but this doesn't mean he can do whatever he wants to others"

I know she knew that I'm frustrated.

"Don't think like that love, it's just because you're new and he doesn't know anything about you. Maybe he can't trust people from the first time, so he needs time"

"Mom~ which side are you on??" I whined at what she said and pouted.

"Of course on my baby's side, why are you so suspicious?" She laughed lightly and laid my head on her shoulder while rubbing my hair.

"You know I love you?" I said in a low voice.

"Love you too, don't think too much about him and understand what I said earlier. You will get along soon, trust your mom's experiences"

"Are you going to visit my grandma tomorrow?" I asked after a while.

"Yeah, it was a long time since I saw her" I can feel sadness in her voice. She's not able to visit her own mother due to being too busy.

"It's not your fault, you're coming late home, and about your work how is it going?" I parted from her hug and looked up at her.

"It's good, the boss raised my salary"

"Of course! Who wouldn't like my mom's cooking!" I exclaimed.

"Ahaha, go to sleep after you finish" She poked my nose which I scrunched.

"Good night then"

"Sweet dreams sweetheart" She kissed my forehead and I did the same to her and headed to my bedroom without touching my plate.


Thank you all, bye ♥︎

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