19. A kiss that wasn't meant to be

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(Continuing to part 18)

He fell on me and our lips touched for a glance. Mingyu backed a little as I pushed him too then we made eye contact. We both were speechless and didn't know what to do or say.

San broke our awkward gaze contest with a loud gasp "Oh my god.." He mumbled and we turned to look at him who was standing beside us then he shouted after a while "MOM!! MY UNCLE LOV-" He was cut off by Mingyu as he quickly got up ran to the kid to cover his mouth.

"Don't dare say anything to anyone" Mingyu warned the kid and the other nodded and said after Mingyu released him.

"But you ki-" He didn't continue his sentence as Mingyu slapped him on his mouth slightly "I KNOW! SO PLEASE SHUT UP"

"You're mean" The little boy glared at Mingyu and his uncle repeated for him to shut up and be quite and if he just tries to say anything even to his mother or dad, he'll do something that San doesn't like.

They both turned towards me and San gestured to me by closing his mouth that he'll not tell what happened to whoever. While Mingyu smiled stupidly at me with a tilted head.

I know he's nervous just by looking at his 'smile'.

I straightened myself and looked back at Mingyu without showing any expressions but I can't lie, internally, I'm very embarrassed and confounded.

I walked to my chair silently and sat down, opened my computer and tried to find something to focus on. Anything is important right now just take me out of this awkward atmosphere.

Mingyu was trying to speak but nothing comes out from his mouth. He dragged his chair to my desk and sat beside me then sighed in relief before speaking "Sorry?.." His puppy eyes glittered again as he crossed his arms on the table and leaned beside me, wanting my attention.

"No, I'm mistaken" I can't even look at him, what in the world is that???

"Look here" He took a deep breath then said his words "First of all I'm very sorry and I didn't mean to do that, it was unintentionally. Like bro that's your fault but I'm sorry too. So this isn't something right, I mean nothing like that can make you angry at me right? San isn't going to say anything either and let us just act like nothing happened. And about your present I don't want it anymore you can keep it for yourself or give it to someone else" He finally finished and exhaled then looked at me with hope in his eyes.

"Stop rapping"

"You know what?"

"No" I answered and really, why does we people when we want to ask or say something we use 'you know' what's the meaning of it if we're going to say something. How could the other one know what we're thinking or want to say?

"I'm not regretting that you're my secretary anymore"

"Honesty can be heard in your voice" I shrugged and he hit me on my shoulder jokingly but it hurted. I gave him a quick glare and continued trying to search for something.

"Uncle!" San suddenly whispered while standing in front of my desk leaning his chin on it, he's so cute, his elbows can't reach the top of the table "Is uncle Jeon angry?" He kept on with the same careful voice.

"What?? Me? Uncle?.." I asked surprised and pointed at myself "Why would you think so?"

"Isn't uncle Mingyu your wife now?" He asked innocently tilting his head to the left.

"WHAT!" Both me and Mingyu shouted in unison as we stood up.

I looked at Mingyu and saw he was staring at me too, I blushed then turned quickly to the little boy "Never! The hell told you that??"

"My dad.." He lowered his head behind the table, as if he got scared...

"Sorry for screaming but where did you get that from?" I hold him by his arm and dragged him to my side and sat him on my lap.

"I'm sorry San-"

"It's really my dad, always when me and sister fight he comes to us and kisses us and says that we're family" San spoke up in a low voice and looked at me with almost teary eyes.

"And you and uncle Mingyu kissed just now so aren't you a family too?"

"Ok, I think he understood it the wrong way...." I mumbled but San heard and asked how wrong.

"Stop staring stupid" I turned and scolded Mingyu. I thought about something for a while then burst out yelling at him "What did you mean by 'my fault' earlier??"

He started laughing and I continued "You're the one who was being dumb and k- ok whatever, you know. Why did you blame me!"

"Stop shouting your face is almost red, and I already said I am sorry"

"Jeez... San" I looked at the little boy "When you go home SAY to your mom that your uncle is a PERVERT"

"What the heck, no he's staying here tonight, right Sannie?" Mingyu gave San a wink and the kid agreed quickly.

"You can't San, your mom may be worried so you need to go home"

"Don't listen to him San, he's filling your head, in reality He. Is. A. Wizard"

"Kim Mingyu don't scare the kid, you're scary without doing anything" I tried to hide the kid and moved aside a little from Mingyu.

"San don't you want to stay with your uncle tonight? We can read funny comics and eat snacks together while playing games as we used to do before"

"I want to stay with my uncle I don't want to go home" He spoke up in a cute-loud excited way and jumped from my lap and ran to Mingyu. The other stuck out his tongue at me and wiggled his eyebrows.


I don't know how I came up with this chapter but I wanted to put some kids in here, cuz I LOVE them sooo much, they're too cute ╥﹏╥

Luv u all too ♥︎ Thank you for reading

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