7. Scolded

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(Continuing to part 6)

I winced and looked at him and saw that he fell asleep, his head on my shoulder and some strands of his hair covering his face.

'He's peacefully sleeping, I shouldn't wake him up right?' I asked myself and removed the hair from his face then lifted up his head to rest properly on my shoulder.

I flinched when he groaned but felt relieved when he didn't wake up and laid my hand on my heart then sighed.

Five minutes later I felt warmth on my hand and saw it was Mingyu's hand, he was holding it tightly and his face says he's dreaming about something bad.

"Don't leave noona... please.. sister..." I heard him mumbling.

I laid my other hand on his head and rubbed it slowly, Mingyu is tightening his grip on my hand every second. His computer was about to fall down from my knee but luckily I caught it on time.

I lowered my left hand that was stroking his hair and touched his cheek, it was warm. I tried to comfort him even if he's sleeping.

Mingyu winced in his sleep when my hand touched his cheek, my hand was cold so I took it away quickly.

Mingyu opened his eyes and looked at me, I felt nervous then stood up "I have to go back home since you woke up, and look it's after 9 now, bye"

I waved at him and went out after I wore my jacket and shoes.

When the door slammed shut Mingyu yawned and laid on the couch then fall asleep again.

I dropped myself directly on my bed when I arrived home.

'He's something'

I didn't realize and slowly I was falling asleep.


"Oh my god Wonwoo!!" I woke up scared because of my mom screaming my name "You're late, wake up! Get your lazy ass up and get ready!!!"

She then pushed the door open and walked to my bed and shoved the blanket off of me.

I rubbed my eyes and looked at her with sleepy eyes "Why do you always shout when you want to wake me?"

"Look at the clock you sloth, it's 8:40!! You missed your train!"

I shouted and quickly got up and opened my wardrobe.

"Your clothes are on the chair" My mom said from behind me.

I ran and grabbed them then went into the bathroom without closing the wardrobe and I'm sure I heard my mom sighing.

'I wish to not miss the next train too' I prayed when I was running to the train station.

It's 9:02 and that means the train arrives in 3 minutes. I tried to run faster but I'm losing my breath.

I stopped to inhale some air then heard someone talking to me.

"Stop running and get in, you're about to die due to the lack of oxygen" It's him. With a Kia black car he looked too rich man.

I looked up and said "Why are you late Mingyu?"

"Me? Why are YOU late?" He repeated my question. "Shouldn't the 'perfect' employee be early"

"I overslept"

"Come on don't delay us any longer"

I get into the car and he drove.

We arrived 45 minutes late and we got scolded by the CEO. As facts, he has the right to yell at us but that's not something he has to be so angry about.

"You overslept??" He questioned the same sentence for the second time "That's not an excuse, and Mingyu, you were sleeping when me and your mom came back home" Mingyu's dad turned to me and said "Wonwoo that's unexpected of you, if you get late again I can't trust you to keep an eye on this young man"

We didn't know what to say and I noticed that Mingyu was smirking while his eyes were gazing at the floor.


"Why were you happy when your dad was scolding us, huh?" I asked him while taking off my jacket and sat down on my seat.

"Wondering why, it's the first time when someone gets scolded with me. I always used to take all the blame"

"You have to be happy then?" He didn't answer and laid his head on his desk while tapping with his fingers on the table.

"I wanted to ask, why were you so kind yesterday? I felt that it wasn't you"

"Why do you need to know? I can behave however I want"

"You are back to your usual"

"Why do you care, it's none of your business" He lifted his head back and put his feet on the desk, wiggling in his chair.

"That's impolite, put your feet down" I pointed at him with my pen.

He looked at me then turned again without any care. The ruler he was trying to balance on his nose gave me a headache, he's been playing with it for 3 cosecuritive days.

I got up and walked to him and shoved his feet of the desk.

"What the hell are you doing!?" The man shouted because he almost fall down.

"You have to listen to what I say, your dad didn't send you here to do whatever you want" I crossed my arms and he stood across me behind the desk.

"Shut-" He stopped when the door knocked and we both looked at it.

A beautiful girl entered, it's my first time seeing her. Her hair is brown but it's dyed blonde, she looks foreign with it. She was carrying a glossy brownish bag in her hand, wearing a red dress with sunglasses, although it's spring, her black heels crackling on the ground when she walked in and hugged Mingyu.

"I missed you so much babe~" She said in a pampered way and put the bag on the table "Here I bought you lunch, I know it's time for you to eat now" A gum bubble exploded in front of her mouth. 

'What? Babe..? IS HE MARRIED???' I was shocked.

"Don't look at me like that, she's not my wife" He said like he was reading my mind.

"And why did you come? Didn't I say you can't come when I'm working?"

"Working??" I said in a shocked way "You haven't even done a simple thing"

"Don't butt in, I work whenever I want" He answered me and ignored the girl.

"Who do we have here? I haven't seen you before" She parted from Mingyu and stood beside me and started running her fingers on my arm.

"Please don't touch me" I shoved her hand away gently and walked to my desk to continue the project I was drawing.

"Yes don't touch him" Mingyu thought high of himself and looked at me.

"What do you mean?" The girl asked in annoyance.

"He understood"



I think you know who this girl is right? (ㆁᴗㆁ✿)

Bye ♥︎

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