26. He does... like me back?

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(Continuing to part 25)
When I heard what he said I stopped doing what's in my hands, looked up at him and questionably repeated "Kicked out of the house?"

The boy nodded with a bitter smile on his face. But quickly he comforted me, "But I'm staying at Eino's at this time"


He hummed in confusion after placing the plates on the kitchen's table then turned to me "What why?"

I cleared my throat with a cough and corrected "I mean why, why did he do that" I know he's not in the mood to speak about this and I don't want to force him either but I do really want to know what happened.

"Because I failed my most important subjects"


"Last week, Eino took me with him to his house to stay there" Mingyu washed his hands then went to the next room to see if my grandma had woken up yet. I continued to chop off the vegetables. 

When he came back, he came alone, looks like my grandmother is still asleep. He quickly walked and helped me place the veggies on the plates he put on the table before.

"So your friend was with you at that time" I finished and waited for him to speak but he took a long time to decide whether or not so I went to the living room to bring my mom here.

Suddenly when I entered he said lowly "Yes... he stayed overnight at our house, and that happened the next morning"

"So then.." My mom got to sit on her chair and I tried to lighten up the mood "I'm sure you'll feel better after you fill your empty stomach, sit to eat!" I referred to the seat in front of me then got a worried smile from him.

"Thank you for the meal" Mingyu thanked my mom?... Though it's me who cooked.

"You're leaving now?"

"I'm sorry but I have to, thanks again for inviting me" He bowed after picking up the keys from the table in the living room and walked to the corridor.
"Why were you angry this whole time?"

"What does it have to do with you?" It fucking do! Why did I lie??

"Because you seem annoyed"

"No I'm not why did you think that?" Oh my goodness Wonwoo, please say the truth.

"Nothing" He waved and got out.

"Whatever, don't come back again" I mumbled and closed the door tiredly, a heavy sigh escaped my mouth then went back to the living room. As though he came here searching for peace I replied with a careless attitude.

"You didn't tell him did you?" My mother looked at me with the side of her eye while tapping on her phone.

"Please don't do that again! You saw how nervous I was and thinking of you making us do everything together made me more embarrassed" Asking her can make some benefits... maybe.

"You know what, I'm sure he does" She turned the phone off and crossed her arms while she was laying down on the couch sank into her thoughts.

"Does what? Don't be complicated mom"

"Love you, it's obvious foolish. Just make your brain work at times like this" Her hand pointed at her head then called for me to come and sit beside her. She sat up properly and left a place for me on her left.

"This Mingyu have a sort of feelings for you, didn't you see how he looked at you, how he always listened to you like you're the only one speaking here. Even more is that he kept on teasing you, that's the most thing that shows someone loves you"

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