29. Kissed me again; true confession

978 35 1

(Continuing to part 28)

'My godness, what's wrong with him...' I felt myself sweating while looking at the boy's eyes who is standing in front of me.

He's not doing anything, that's a relief, but is he alright then?

All of a sudden he pressed his lips against mine and kissed me.

My heartbeat rised and I can hear it clearly. I felt something missing inside me but then shivered at the feeling the other is giving me.

He was kissing me lightly, very careful, afraid.. is he afraid of something? Why is he acting like this? As if I was something that can be easily broken.

His hold on me is tender as I felt his red and fluffy lips on mine. I'm lost, don't know what to do, Kim Mingyu the rude, reckless and selfish boy is kissing me. That's a lie, he's absolutely opposite but we people are the ones thinking in a wrong way.

Mingyu hold my chin for a while then parted.

I'm speechless, very embarrassed and feeling a volcano boiling in my body. No one said a word as I lowered my head, not wanting to face him, that'll be so fucking awkward. I'm already in a mess, I don't want anymore.

The tall boy moved closer to me but his eyes were glued to the floor which made me lift my head up and look at him directly as he said "If you hate me now, it doesn't matter, I'm used to this from the closest people in my life. And if you don't, I'm thankful. And if you get my message, I do love you"

My cheeks heated more, my body is flaming hot, inside me there's a lot of volcanoes, a lot of different feelings waiting for someone to loosen them up. I moved my gaze to other places but Mingyu's eyes.

'Shit shit shit shit, what the hell Kim Mingyu!! You're kidding right!?? I'm sure you drank something before you came here. That's not true, don't lie at yourself' My body will explode soon, I'm not okay at all, the boy I admired loves me back?

'Someone explain, I'm sure he's drunk, why did he say that, someone say he's joking around'

"Uhh-..." Mingyu cut me off and said "I love you Wonwoo" Why is he so fucking calm!? I'm the only one who's melting and stressed.

"I.. I'm..... I..." My eyes looked at him again but quickly turned my head to the other side. "S-sorry-"

He cut me off again by turning me to him and giving me a hug. When he let go of me he spoke up "Wonwoo I like you, you know what it means right? Stop apologizing and blaming yourself. I loved you for everything in you, your personality and your look. Both of them are amazing, you're the only one who cared about me that much, was kind and appreciated everything I do. You forgave me even if I was being bad, I didn't feel like that to anyone. Thank you, after my sister got married, no one showed me the love I needed and my parents never cared about me as they did before, but I can't say they don't love me. And then here, until you came, I didn't want you at first and hated you to the point I thought of leaving or killing myself so I wouldn't suffer again in this harsh world cuz I lost all my hope in people and thought you're just like everyone else, but you crashed the wall I built, you're absolutely different. Thank you for not giving up on me" He gave me a warm smile then patted my head "If you're angry you can hit me and if you don't accept my feelings I'm alright with it" Mingyu embraced me lightly and kissed my head then excused himself.

Quickly I collapsed on the floor and hugged my knees as my tears rolled down silently.


When we got home I directly slept in my mother's arms as she was stroking my hair and comforting me.

I woke up at midnight and saw I was sleeping on my mom's thighs as she was holding my hand with her's and the other one is on my head while sleeping.

I softened at her sight and kissed her hand 'Who deserves you'

Slowly, I pushed her hands away and got up, I took the bedsheet that was over me and covered her with it.
At the other side, the fluffy haired Soonyoung was laying asleep on the sofa with a light cover over him.

A smile swept up to my face then I walked to the kitchen to drink some water, the time was 02:14. Thereafter I peeked in my grandma's room and saw she was awake, I knocked on the door not so loud and got in.

"Why are you awake?" As soon as she saw me she asked and patted the empty place on her bed.

"I don't want to sleep anymore" I walked to her and put the glass on the bedside table then snuggled in the warm bed beside her.

"Are you good now?" I hummed and nodded as I hugged her.

"You were crying when you came home yesterday, why?" Her hand started rubbing my hair then hugged me tightly and brought me closer to her.

"Don't worry I'm okay now"

"Please be happy son, your mother is very worried about you, she always complain to me about how much of burden you have, be careful and take care of yourself"

"Hm. I will" I gave her a smile and she stroked my head.

"What happened to this Mingyu?" She suddenly asked and I panicked in frustration, remembering everything from yesterday.

"Uhhh... He's fine, I guess..?"

"Don't worry he loves you too"

I blushed hardly and whined "Grandma~ you're embarrassing me" I pouted and shoved my face in her chest.

She laughed and ruffled my hair "My grandson is very cute" Then pinched my cheek as I giggled.


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