14. Call?

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Last week, Mingyu wasn't seen anywhere nor anyone has seen him. It has been more than one week too.

Did the fight affect him that much? It's me who should be angry, why him?

"Whatever, why do I care?" I went in to the meeting site alone this time too.

"Oh Wonwoo, you're here" Mr. Kim greeted me "Have you seen Mingyu anywhere?"

"Hello, no I haven't, isn't he home?" I was confused at his question.

"No he is not, a week ago he said he's going to Eino, but he didn't come back" He sat down.

"Maybe he's still there, didn't you try to call him?" I walked to my place and sat down too.

"Both of them weren't answering" He sighed "I'm worried"

"He'll be back, I'm sure he's with his friends" I tried to comfort him but it seems of no use.

The meeting started and the whole time our CEO wasn't concentrating well.

"I will end the meeting here, you can go" He stopped the conversation and gestured to us to finish noting.

"But we're not done yet" One of the coworkers said.

"It's alright, we can finish it next time, you can go and do something else, I'll give you this as your free time"

"You sure you're okay sir" A girl asked while putting the papers in the right place.

"Yeah don't worry, go now"

"Take care" She bowed and walked out with the others.

"Wonwoo are you free tonight?" He asked me who was about to leave.

"Uh, I don't know I was supposed to visit my grandma, do you need anything important?" I stopped and asked him.

"Yes, I want you to call Mingyu first and see if he's with Eino or not"

"Now? I mean to call now?" I took out my phone from my pocket and pointed at it.


"... Ok?" I wasn't sure, I don't want to start the first conversation after the fight so he would not think I was worried or wishing him to come back.

"Please come and take a seat" He patted at the table and I did what he asked and sat across to him.

I opened my phone on Mingyu's number and clicked on the call.

The phone rang and rang but he didn't answer. I can see his dad was worried while wiggling with his fingers which are on the table. A while looking on my phone and a while on his hands.

"He didn't pick up" I looked at him.

"Please call again" He quickly answered.

I called again but no one was answering. I'm sure the phone is about to explode from ringing.

"Why's he not answering"

"This boy" The old man held his fists together and looked everywhere in the room "He'll be punished when I see him"

"There's no need sir, I'm SURE he'll call you again when he see the missed calls from you"

"You mean he didn't open his phone for more than a week??" Mr. Kim's voice raised a little and it scared me a bit.

"S-sorry but maybe he lost it somewhere" Why am I apologizing??

After a good silence, I didn't have the guts to say anything so he spoke instead and broke the uncomfortable atmosphere between us "Can you go and see if he's at Eino's house"

"What?! You mean now??" I shouted not so loudly due to my shock.

"Calm down, but after you finish your work, and try to call him during the day"

'Why am I involved in this??! God!'

"Yes.." I can't refuse!

'I'm at the edge of crying' I stood up and excused myself.

I was frustrated while walking to my office.

"I have the feeling of a bad day today" I sighed and entered.

When I opened the door I was startled by some presents on the desk.

I was confused and walked there "Why are there so-Ahh!"

As soon as I talked I tripped by a box on the floor behind the chair.

"Woah, that was close" I stood up straight, I was about to hit my head with the shelves.

"Why the hell is this here, Valentine's Day was two months ago" I bowed down to pick up the box.

"Oh shi- it's heavy" I struggled to place it on the table and wipped my forehead after and placed my hands on my hip.

"Do I open it now?" I asked myself "I think I should, it's too heavy I want to know what's inside"

I went back to my desk and took out a paper scalpel to open the box.

I opened it and took out a lot of polystyrene foam "What am I supposed to do with that?" I held them in my hands "But why is it so heavy?"

Then at the bottom was big glass pieces "What's wrong with this?" I frowned more when I saw it.

I checked it for like 5 times to see if there is anything.

"Oh there's a letter" I opened the letter and it was from a company to the CEO.

"For the... CEO!!?" I shouted and hurried to place everything in its place.

"Why did they even put it in my office??" I threw myself on the sofa and let out a heavy sigh.

I'm tired, really.

I looked at the other presents, they were hand wrapped and I hope it's not something like the box.

I turned my head again to the ceiling and closed my eyes.

I didn't realize and slowly I was falling asleep.

Two hours later~

I felt something on my body but I can't open my eyes properly, they're too heavy.

I caught a sight of a woman, she was covering me.

"Sweet dreams, wish you'll know me soon" I heard her saying in a soft voice then walked out and closed the door.

I was curious of who she is but I fell in my dreamland again.


Sorry, the past days I was busy with my school exams and homeworks.

Wrote this chapter quickly cuz I have school in one hour.

Thanks for reading everyone I'm happy that you gave interest and attention to this story though it's just for fun and nothing else.

I'm really thankful, luv u all ♥︎♥︎

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