22. Confession?

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(Continuing to part 21)

I'm starting to panic now, have been searching in my closet for more than 10 minutes.

'Mom~ help!'

"Sorry you're probably freezing now, but those clothes- ugh take. It. Out." I struggled to take out a cloth from the bottom.

"Now– you can cover with my blanket until I can find you something that suits you" I pointed at my bed and turned again.

'Wow.. He does have a good body'

"What are you thinking, bring him something before he could die, he showered Wonwoo!" I whispered to myself then remembered "Right! My mom bought me two hoodies few days ago, I think I can give one to you! Wait" I stood up and ran to my mother's room.

I came back with the hoodies in my hands, one purple and the other is green "I wore the green one only once, it's big, so.. you can have the purple hoodie" I shoved my right hand in front of him, a little flustered to look at him.

"But I want the other one" He tilted his head a bit and smiled mischievously.

"Oh,, sorry you can take it if you want!" I pushed the hoodie to his hand.

All of a sudden he hold my wrist and brought me closer to him. He was looking directly in my eyes and I'm doing the same with a surprised face.

I felt embarrassed and lowered my head. My heart beat can't stop, what the hell?? I'm not nervous am I? Or a little, but... that's not the same as always.

"I like you.." Mingyu said out of the blue. My body is burning up more and I felt my heart is running a marathon.

'Shit, that's making the situation worse'

"Huh?" I looked up at him flushing.

"When you're flustered, it's cute" He continued, that made me a little relieved but I felt disappointment internally. That's kinda frustrating.

'Wait, out of all what he said.. did he call me cute....?'

"Thanks for your caring" He stood up and took the hoodie from my hand and let go of me.

"That's my first time someone cares that much, after my older sister there's none" Mingyu eyed the hoodie in his hands. Why can I hear sadness in his voice, that's shattering my heart. At those times I want to give him everything and protect him from everyone.

"Just you, the only one after her who cared about me and showed me the warmth of how it feels to have someone who cares and loves you, I'm grateful" He continued and turned his gaze to me.

I shivered by his look, at this moment I realized that I....

"Can I hug you?" His voice was low but audible.

'That hurts me too, has he ever told his sister about this? Or am I the only one..'

I hummed and nodded at the same time. He hugged me and I started rubbing his back gently but after a while I felt something wet on my shoulder.

'Is he crying?' I wished not and that's only my imagination. My shoulder got more wet and I made sure I'm right.

I pushed him away lightly "Stop crying, you're 21" I wiped his tears but they kept on falling "I mean you can cry but... I don't know it's.. weird here? We are not that close you know"

"Enough sniffling, put on your hoodie and let's go down"

"Can I sit here with you for a little more? Only us" Mingyu spoke up after wearing the hoodie and organizing his hair.

"If you want to"

'Hope he'll feel better' I gave him a warm smile and sat on the bed edge, he followed and sat beside me then leaned on my shoulder.

"You know, I didn't have the hope that I'll ever meet someone like you, but now, the person I didn't imagine to have is real"

I put my right arm on his and rubbed it slightly "You're over complimenting but thanks" I lowered my head and placed it over Mingyu's "I'll always be by your side when you need someone, I'll try"

'I don't know, being happy with a specific person. This fast heart beating and the weird feeling inside, is it when you fall in love, when you are in love?'

"I want to tell you something" Mingyu cut off my thoughts and said, that sentence sent me a lot of different emotions, nervousness, happiness but sadness at the same time, afraid if this thing is painful.

"Can I come here whenever I want? I do have a lot of things I want someone to listen to them, asking if it's alright with you" He began wiggling with his fingers, that made me realize more how polite he was, how nice his personality is but it only needed some care and love 'I'm sure your sister was doing great'

"Yes, everytime you want, I'll always be opened for you and my mom too if you want to ask her something"

"I want to ask if she accepts me as her son in law" He looked up at me then looked down and put his hand on his mouth.

"Of course she'll acc-" I stopped in the middle of my sentence and looked blankly at the empty air while processing what he said.

I blushed madly after getting in and organizing his words in my mind "HAA!!??!" I slapped his head after screaming and pushed him away.

Mingyu let out his laugh "You're blushing now, oww. I said you look cute when you're like this" He teased me.

"I'm going downstairs, birthday boy isn't in his birthday party? It's not a birthday party then" I stood up and walked quickly to the door then stopped there "Are you coming?"

"Yes right away" He then got up and followed me who was like a strawberry.


Chapter full of Minwon. Imagine every fanfic turn into movie;;; I swear everyone is very talented in their own way even if writing isn't their original work ✧✦

♥︎ bye

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