27. Secret is no longer a secret

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"Soo... you mean it was an accident?.." Soonyoung asked me while preparing his mattress to sleep beside me on the floor in the living room. We didn't want to sleep upstairs cuz we knew we're not going to sleep so easily if we are together. We didn't want to bother my mother's sleep.

"I don't know... I really don't, it's something I can't judge just by reading something maybe they were kidding?.. Or he means someone else, I'm sure"

"Wondering why your life is boring, thinking in optimism but in dark mood, that's a point" He clapped his hands and jumped on the mattress, snuggling cutely in it and dragging himself closer to me.

I turned to him and laid my hand under my head on the pillow, I saw him smiling and that gave me safety.

"Stop with that smile" Slapping him lightly on his cheek made him laugh and giggle more.

"You like it though, and back to your 'love secretely confession' what do you think? You know, I can be your detective, from now on call me Conan" His hands made a heart then pushed his invisible glasses up dramatically acting as if he was wearing one.

He heard me sighing then said "That day... when I was about to tell you something, it was about Mingyu"

From my calm and peace self to the worried one, I sat up quickly and asked, looking with a surprised and shocked face at Soonyoung "What?! Then what does Eino have to do with him??"

"Bro, lay down" He dragged me to sleep and continued "I actually have Eino's number, from your birthday party, he texted me randomly and...."

He stopped mid sentence and started teasing and making me on my nerves. Moving his finger here and there, I slapped it and held his hand begging him to continue.

"Ok he said Mingyu have something to tell you" Soonyoung lied, he doesn't want to make the boy anxious or hurry in something he's not ready for yet.

"What does he- didn't he tell you what? I mean Eino?"

His eyes wondered around the room then landed on me "Nope, only that"

I tucked myself in the bed sheet and began groaning, what if he hates me? I can't live like this, I'm worried now about this 'thing' "Ahh!! Soonyoung please help me okay? Do me a favor just this time, I promise I'll do something you want, whatever it is."

After few moments of me fake crying and begging him for help he agreed but his condition is worse than what I thought he'll order, as always.

"Will you give me your bank card for a week without complaining at whatever I do with it?"

"Soonyoung,, that's not what we agreed on~" I hugged him and started complaining in a cute way to make him cancel his thoughts and order something else.

"You want my help? Give me your card then, come on" He pushed me and shook his hand in front of me gesturing to give him the card.

"You're mean, how am I going to live then? Huh??" My lips made a pout as I crossed my arms and turned to the other side.

He turned me back and said "Say what you want"

"I want you to ask Eino what Mingyu wanted to tell me then you'll get the card". "I promise" My hand made the promise pose then shoved my pinkie to him.

"Agree" Soonyoung hold his pinky with mine as a deal.

Finally I can be less worried, I think.


It had been three days since I knew about Mingyu... Soonyoung said he does have feelings towards me, also proved it with a screenshot of his and Eino's chat.

I told my mom out of stupidity, she kept insisting on me to tell him, he'll accept, who am I?? I can't, my self confidence became low and 'am too nervous.

But today Soonyoung planned a meet for us, I don't know how it'll go. I'll try to do my best. Hilarious, saying this make it looks like I'm going to war.

"When did they say they're coming" My body was trembling and my legs can't stop from bouncing. Me and Soonyoung were sitting in a cafe near our house where we had planned to meet.

"Now" He answered while looking behind me out the big glass window, both Mingyu and Eino was walking towards the cafe we're in. They were talking, looking like an interesting conversation.

When they entered, I was stunned, how of a beautiful human can he be, he was too pretty to be real, with that stripped jeans and the white shoes and the hoodie hood on his head that's covering his perfectly styled hair. He is insanely handsome.

"Ohoh! Hello guys, you guys look so good today" Soonyoung stood up and greeted them then winked.

"Should I accept it?" Eino asked in a sarcastic tone "Anyway, thanks for the compliment"

"Hello Wonwoo" Mingyu saluted me and smiled.

My body temperature heated, and it's only the average, hell no. "He- hello-" Again to stutter, but this Soonyoung is a genius, he saved me from the awkward moment by interrupting me.

"Please sit down what are you waiting for?" But then I thought he's the dumbest one ever, or maybe...
"Eino will sit beside me!" He quickly dragged the boy to the empty seat beside him and laid his hand on Eino's shoulder "We're friends right? Mingyu can sit beside my beloved Wonwon" He gave me a wink and I looked at Mingyu then blushed.

'Knowing the 'secret' with Soonyoung makes things more awkward'


You know guys? Seventeen didn't make Aju Nice as encore for 10 minutes for nothing. IT FREAKED THE HELL OUT OF ME. So here, I was listening to SVT with my earphones on before I sleep and didn't realize I fell asleep with them still on. And here was I dreaming about cute and adorable debut seventeen (2015) I was having my beautiful time in my dream then suddenly heard AJU NICE!! in my ears. I woke up scared to the song playing on my phone and now I can't fall asleep again. Though it's not the first time this happens.

Anyways, thanks for voting and reading this story and NOTE to NOT listen to Seventeen before sleeping or you'll get freaked out in your sleep 🙂👍🏼Thank you.

By the way, a new Junhao story is going to be published today ◡̈

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