15. Drunk

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(Continuing to part 14)

I already said today is gonna be a bad one. I MISSED THE TRAIN so I had to wait for the next one to come.

And now this weirdo Eino isn't opening. 
I think I should call Mingyu maybe he's inside.

When I opened my phone I saw it was 6 o'clock, have I been here for 23 minutes?

"It's so tiring" I leaned on the wall and called Mingyu. I looked here and there while waiting.

"WhY thE fUCk AreN'T yOu AnsWErInG??!" I shouted when the other didn't pick up.

I put my phone back and scoffed "You're not the prince so I have to wait for you" Then walked only few steps when Eino came holding Mingyu with him.

"Where were you?! Your dad is very worried about you. Where have you been?" I threw my questions at them.

"Calm down bro, he's fine"

"Yeah..." Mingyu mumbled.

"What do you mean by calm down? I have been calling him the whole day! Why isn't he answering?"

He was standing in front of me few meters away. Mingyu on his right side while holding his wrist over his shoulder. Wait..

"Is he... drunk..?"

"Oh, he broke his phone when he was running downstairs four days ago, so he didn't want to go back home because he didn't want to tell his dad about it, and yes, he wanted to hang out today so he drank VERY much"

Mingyu giggled and leaned his head at Eino's shoulder.

I looked at the drunk boy and have nothing to say but I asked a question I had in mind since a long time "Don't you guys have school?"

"Yes we do, but we study at home. Only when we have exams we go to school" He answered while struggling to hold Mingyu properly.

"The whole school?"

"No only us two. If you want to know why, it's because we skip classes so they suggested if we study from home it'll be better"

I mouthed an 'O' shape and he said again "Can you please help me to drag this dinosaur in? Cuz I feel my feet can't stand up any longer and you're standing in front of the door" He gazed at me.

"Wondering why you're friends, you are the same but different looks" He was confused with his mouth opened slightly at what I said.

"Just hurry up and stop saying mysterious things"

"Mystery..." Mingyu hiccuped "boy.."

"What am I supposed to do then?" I crossed my arms and tilted my head to the side.

"You can take him home" He simply answered. "Or move aside so I can take him in"

"What are you saying? He's still here and with you, why should I? He can sleep here tonight too, as though he didn't do it several times?" I shrugged.

"As you heard"

"He can just sleep over. His house isn't that close you know"

"Half an hour" He smirked.

"Stop telling nonsense I have to go home too" I started walking and Eino let go of Mingyu who couldn't stand straight and was tilting.

"What are you doing?" I stopped and looked at Eino with furrowed eyebrows.

"You have to take him home, you said his family is worried about him" He moved his hand at me gesturing to go.

"Hey!" I yelled at Eino and held Mingyu who was about to fall down.

"I'm sorry Jeon, but you have to take him home" Eino opened the door "Bye, be careful" Then went in and closed.

'It was supposed to be a joke, but it lasted too long...' Eino thought while standing behind the door 'I thought he wouldn't take it seriously... but he did..?'

"Ugh, what am I doing" I groaned and tilted my head back.

"Handsome.." Mingyu said and chuckled after.

"Let's take you home" I turned and helped him up then headed home. 'It will take time' I sighed.

Every little bit I stop to take a rest and hold the younger properly.

"You're really huge, how tall are you?"

He was talking nonsense and I couldn't catch anything of what he's saying, only few.

Suddenly his voice started trembling "Sister.. I love.. Mom!" He shouted the last word and said again with the same voice as before "I don't want to... dad is bad.. only me"

"What are you saying, I'm sure he's waiting for you" I said calmly and patted his shoulder.

"I'm hungry..." He mumbled again.

"1000% he's drunk" I looked at him and got lost. Right he's not in his mind but.. he's gorgeous, very handsome.. especially in this state, he looks cute while pouting at things I don't understand.

The white shining moon and the orange street lights makes him more attractive.

I didn't realize I stopped and was staring for too long.

"Sorry, let's continue" I know he wouldn't hear me so it doesn't matter. I hurried and felt myself burning, I got shivers from the cold winds and that made the situation worse.


We were standing in front of the outside door "I'll just put my bag then come okay?" He hummed as response.

"I'm home mom! I'll leave my bag here and come back soon!" I threw it on the floor when my mother came downstairs.

"Where are you going?" She asked and stood in the hall. "Oh there's someone with you?"


You know guys, I played rhythᙏ hi⋁e stage 20 and I lost for like 50 times in a row I can feel I started to hate Anyone (song). It's very hard though it was only on speed 2, what about 5 then? Guess I'll die.

Anyway، happy birthday to our only Boo, hope he'll always be happy

Stay safe everyone, bye ♥︎

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