11. Inconvenience

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"That was only an illusion" The two of us were waiting for the train to go home.

"What do you mean by 'illusion'?"

"I didn't do anything, you were tricked Mingyu"

"So you mean the door can control itself? How childish to say that" He rolled his eyes at my laugh as we saw the train coming.

We get in and saw three empty seats so we took them.

"It's useless to sit beside you" Mingyu moved to the third seat and put his bag in the middle one and took out his phone from his pocket and started scrolling through it. I scoffed and crossed my legs too then turned to the other side and put my chin on my palm while looking outside the door.

Exactly at the next stop a woman in her youth age approached us and asked if she can take the middle seat between us where the bag was on.

"Oh yeah, of course, there's no problem" I threw Mingyu's bag on his lap and smiled at her because I know the place is crowded.

I can see Mingyu got annoyed, but I didn't care and continued looking through the glass door.

Just now I realized how beautiful the nature is, it's really comfortable to meditate.

"Are you worried?" I heard a soft voice near me, I turned and saw it was this girl.

'Why is she even asking that?...' I thought for a while then finally decided to reply to her question. "No 'am not"

"Then may I ask how old are you?"

I got more puzzled by the sudden opened conversation and panicked when I saw her face close to me "Why do I need to tell you?"

"You're handsome and it fits my taste, I'm 23, guess there's not that much differen-"

"Sorry but I don't want to talk with strangers" I interrupted her and turned to the other side again.

"Can't I have your number then? Look at me, don't you think I'm pretty? I have a perfect body" By her movements she touched her body but I didn't answer.

Mingyu looked confused at us then again at his phone.

"Don't you think so?" I ignored her but got startled when she touched my hand "I don't have a boyfriend yet"

"I'm sorry but please don't touch me" I shoved her hand of mine slowly "I don't want to date yet either"

I started regretting for allowing her to sit with us. Maybe Mingyu was right when he glared at me because I threw his bag on him for her.

"I'm sure your mom'll accept it" She said again and came closer to me and intertwined her arm with mine.

"Excuse me, I'm being nice with you but I have my personal space" I let go of her grip and pushed her away a little.

"I think we can be a cute couple, don't you agree?" She returned to her position again.

I saw Mingyu closing his phone and standing up. He fixed his pants then hold the young girl's wrist and dragged her slightly to where he was sitting "Should I say that? But he's taken" Mingyu sat down beside me and held my arm while laying his head on my shoulder.

The girl was massaging her wrist with a pained pout. "How gross" We heard her mumbling.

"Aren't I enough?" He pouted and looked strictly up at me. I was dumbfounded of what he's doing, he then whispered "Just follow me ok? Say anything"

"Oh dear, you're more than enough" I just said what came to my mind and ruffled his hair.

Mingyu turned around and smirked at the girl who was giving us a disgusted look and sticked out his tongue at her. The girl patted her clothes as to clean it from dirt and sat cross-legged to the other side.

After two stations we arrived at ours.

"Aren't you going to thank me?" Mingyu got out of the train and quickly asked me.

"For what?" I waited for him so we can walk together.

"For saving you from this thirsty woman" He looked proud.

"I didn't ask" I simply said blankly.

"I seriously realized and recognized and are sure with all of my confidence and all of my proudness that I hate you"

"Poor language, you put in all the words in this sentence"

"Shut up Wonwoo"

"I'm older than you!" I defended "Also YOUR teacher"

"Luckily tomorrow is Friday and I'm not going to see you for the next two days" He walked faster, leaving me behind. I scoffed and shook my head of how childish he is.

"I'm home mom!" I yelled as soon as I opened the door and headed to the kitchen where my mom usually is.

"Oh hello son, look I made you your favorite pizza"

"Wondering what's the good smell" I sniffed, the smell is really delicious.

"I'll get changed" I ran up to my room and heard my mom shouting.

"Careful kid, you may fall!" I giggled at her and get in my room to change into the pyjamas.

"You're a good boy in work right?" She took another bite from her pizza slice.

"Hmm, af courth"

"Don't speak with food in your mouth"

I swallowed and replied "Sorry, but if you're with that Mingyu, of course you'll do something"

"What did he do?"

"No, but he's annoying"

"Mom?" I looked up at her and she hummed "I want to tell you something"

"What's it Wonie?"

"Today... on my way home.. there- I mean on the train... There was a girl who kept on touching me.." I lowered my head and started playing with my food.

She didn't say anything so I continued "She was being too touchy and I think this counts as harassment right?" I raised my head and gazed at her.

"Of course! If you were uncomfortable why in the world didn't you do anything?"

"Mingyu helped me.." I looked down again and my mom asked.

"With what, how?"

"He.. pretended to be my boyfriend" I stuttered. Was this even necessary for me to tell her? How dumb. It's not even important to remember! The instant regret was quick to arrive.

There was silence. Then she started laughing.

"Oh my god Wonwoo, what are you thinking?"

"I'm sorry" She laughed more and said again "Sorry son, but your face was so funny, I couldn't hold my laugh"

"Listen dear, I don't mind who you'll be together with. If you're happy I'm happy, your happiness is mine too. Don't worry about what I think of you two or you with someone else, I'm always by your side and supporting you"

"Though it was just acting, I'm thankful for having you as my mother" I walked and hugged her and kissed her cheek "Love you as huge as the universe"

"Love you too sweetheart"


I'm seriously sorry guys 😭 I haven't updated for 4 or 5 days I don't know. I was busy and had 2 days of important exams in a row and it's MATH, I didn't understand anything from it and I hope it went well.

I was really stuck in this chapter and didn't know what to write, AND I deleted the last 300 words unintentionally, but thanks God I remembered what I wrote o(╥﹏╥)

Thanks everyone for taking of your time to read this story, please take care and be always careful.

Bye ♥︎

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