4. Late

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"Grandma I'm here!" I know I'm not allowed to shout in the hospital but I did anyway.

"Oh dear, you're here again" The grandmother said laughingly "It's the third time you came today"

"Did not realize, but I got you home made food!" I said excitedly then went and sat down on the chair beside her.

"Did you finally learn cooking by yourself?"

"No, but someone gave it to me yesterday at work" I opened the box and laid it on my grandma's lap "Eat"

"Ooh.. My grandchild is loved~" She teased and took the chopsticks from my hand.

"No grandma, no I'm not. But it was a present from someone who's working with me"

"You're refusing to tell me because you're shy~~" She put a dumpling in her mouth.

"No! I don't even know from who" I pouted and acted sad.

"Open your mouth~" She said as she held the food in front of me and I opened it and ate the little gimbap.

"My grandson is so cute" She pecked my cheek then we laughed together.


It's Sunday and I don't know what I'll do so I decided to go for a walk with my mom.

"I'm ready mom! You're pretty without any make up please come down I've been waiting for 10 minutes!" I shouted and looked at the clock, it was already 2pm.

"I'm coming" She came down running while wearing her coat.

"You look great mom" I complimented, my dad always used to say that to her, I'll try to make her feel happy and safe even without my father.

She wore her heels and went out.

No one said a thing until my mom asked "How's your new work going?"

"I don't know I just was there for one day and I don't know much about it yet, but it's nice I guess"

"I want to tell you something" Suddenly her voice was low but still audible.

"What is it" I looked at her confused.

"I really don't want to be a bad mother but I read that letter on your desk yesterday when I was cleaning when you went to visit your grandma, sorry" She said all of that quickly in one breath.

"Nah, it's alright I don't even know from who it is and I only know the first letter from the person's name" I replied calmly while looking at the kids playing in the park.

"Oh my, my son is wonderful" She whined with fake crying expression "Love you my beautiful boy"

"Love you too mom" I hugged her.

After a while a little girl caught our attention with her approach.

"Hi sweetie, do you want some help with something?" My mom hurriedly bent down to her height and asked softly.

"Noo, Is dat youl son?" Her accent was very cute, she can't pronounce the letters r, and th.

"Ohhaha, yeah he is beautiful, lady" My mom laughed at her and ruffled her hair and I smiled.

"Thank you little girl"

"He's vely han'some" We can see the sparkles in her eyes while she was looking at me "I wanna play togeder" She started jumping excitedly.

"Of course wanna go?" I said then got up, when a woman came running towards us.

"Sorry if she annoyed you" She bowed several times and hold her daughter by her hand which I let go off directly when I saw her coming. "No she's cute and just wanted to play" My mother told the young woman.

"Ma, he's han'some like my uncle!" The little girl said in her cute voice while pointing at me and her mother laughed nervously.

"Let's go, maybe your dad and brother are waiting for us, sorry again for interrupting" She smiled and bowed again while my mom's still trying to calm her down.

"Byee~!" The girl waved with her small hand while looking back at us and I waved back.

"She's cute" I mumbled.


I woke up to my mom's screaming. It was 7:40am and I have to get ready for work, it starts at 9.

"Wonwoo wake up, your alarm is ringing!" My mom opened my door and shouted.

I groaned then sat up with my messy hair pointing everywhere.

"Sorry I forgot to knock" She realized and knocked on the door then shouted again "Get up now and get ready to your work boy!"

"My god mom, are you serious" I whined lowly and got up to the bathroom lazily.


"Wonwoo you'll be late for the train, come down to eat!" I heard my mom screaming from downstairs while I was combing my hair.

"Yes I'm coming!!" I grabbed my phone and hurried down.

"Come and eat, the food is still on the table!"

"I don't have time mom, the train arrives in 10 minutes, bye" I sat on the floor to wear my shoes.

"Can't you wait for me to prepare you your lunch box?"

"No mom I'm in a hurry, I can buy on my way there"

"Ok then take care, love you"

"Hmm, me too" I get up and ran to the railway station.

Luckily I arrived when the people were entering.

Today was less crowded than Friday and I'm praying for nothing to happen like last time.

This boy Mingyu is... I don't know I'm not going too far in conclusions, but he's weird. The first time I meet him in the train he was kind and like a gentleman and all, but in his dad's company he's rude and impolite. What's wrong?..

'Wow how can I remember his name so easily...?'


I wanted to say this is a fanfic and everything is NOT real at all and is just imaginary.

And I got the idea from the Chinese series Beloved Enemy, I watched it 3 years ago and I liked the content, and now I am rewatching it and got the idea for this story.

Thank y'all for reading and for voting ╥﹏╥ that made me happy, seriously thanks ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
I'm bad at talking but luv u, bye ♥︎

NOTE: I'm going to start publishing one chapter everyday bcuz I've finished editing/correcting it.

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