10. Best friend

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"That's amazing, but I would say those 70 cm you can enlarge the living room, you can go to your seat, next"

I looked at Mingyu who was sitting beside me and gestured to him to get up for our turn.

'Why is he so blank!?' I glared at him then get up and opened our presentation.

"We were given the mission to-"

"Mingyu get up!" The CEO spoke up strictly while looking at his son.

The younger stood up lazily and walked towards me and stood on my left.

"Our mission was to design a villa for a woman and her two kids" I skipped to the first power point and started explaining our thoughts about the decor.

Mingyu kept on moving behind me until he started whistling.

I turned quickly and shushed him while glaring.

"I'm sorry, but I would like to ask about the boy's room, what do you think of its colour? Which one is better?" I apologized for them instead of Mingyu.

"Don't you think it'll look good with green?" One asked the others.

"Wouldn't that be the only one different then" A woman nodded.

"The blue'll match the dining room, that's cool" Another one said and I smiled thanking them for their opinions.

"Could you please stop?" I whispered and dragged him beside me. He ignored what I asked and started wiggling with his leg, he's really something.

I continued and all of a sudden I felt a finger pecking my waist. I heard Mingyu giggling while holding in his laugh.

I crossed my arms and every little second I push his hand away. The other coworkers stares are obviously mocking us but don't dare to make a state in front of the boss, especially about his son.

I was lucky I grabbed his hand or my loin will take off from its place.

"Wonwoo and Mingyu next time you have to focus more on the dining and kids rooms' decor, thanks for your attendance, you can sit back"

After everyone presented their thoughts we bid our goodbye to the CEO and each one went to his office.

"What the heck did you think you were doing?" I groaned as soon as we arrived at my office.

"It hurts you dummy" I rubbed its place lightly "Don't dare do that again!!"

"You don't have to be angry in a cute way, and stop pointing at me, it makes me feel offended"

I walked to the cabinet and took out the papers inside it and placed them on his table in front of him "Here, you have to rewrite this article"

"It's already done, why would I?"

"Because I wanted to?"

"No I'm not going to do it, and take off your hands of my desk" He crossed his arms and locked his eyes with mine.

"Ok, from now it begins, you have until 4pm, until we finish work, 5 hours and that's enough to rewrite 10 articles" I looked at my watch then gave him a thumbs up.

"You can start now" I gestured with my hands to him and gave a smile.

"Mr. Jeon, there's a young man looking after Mingyu, he said he wanted to meet him, he's waiting outside"
My assistant came in announcing after she knocked.

This made me confused, who would leave school to visit his friend at work. But I pushed my thoughts away and told her to let him enter.

"Yes sir" She bowed and went out then a boy came in, wearing a blue jeans jacket, faded knee ripped pants, a white shirt and has blonde/brown, peanut butter color hair.

"Oh man!" Mingyu shouted with sparkles in his eyes when the boy came in, he stood up and walked to him and gave him a high five.

"Why are you here?"

"Nothing, wanted to know what you're doing" The young man replied and peeked behind Mingyu to look at me "Is that..."

"Just a new worker my dad appointed" I was shocked by the younger's answer.

"Don't be dumb, I mean this one behind you"

"I was only ignoring, he's my dad's new 'secretary' who'll look after me" He made a sarcastic movement with his index and middle finger at the word 'secretary' then crossed his arms and turned to me.

"Maybe instead of babbling you should start doing what you're supposed to do" I put my hand on my chin and acted like I was thinking.

"Don't be so expressionless, he's my friend" The younger laid his arm on the boy's shoulder and the other pricked him with his elbow, earning a groan from Mingyu.

"Best friend" The boy corrected.

"Yes, whatever" Mingyu nodded "Don't do that, it hurts"

"I don't care whoever he is to you, go back to your place and finish your work" I walked to my desk and sat down to continue sketching.

"I can tell you're Eino, am I right?" I dropped the pen down and placed my hands on the table.

"Wow! How did you know" Eino gasped and stared at Mingyu in shock.

"That doesn't matter"

Mingyu turned to me and pointed at the door "I think I have to go now" He gave me an ok sign with a wink.

"It's still working hours and not lunch yet. Finish your work then do whatever you want" I sat back on the chair and stared at the two tall boys in front of me ignoring Mingyu's exploitative smile.

"Ok then, bye" He turned around and prepared to walk out.

"If you step outside this office you'll get punished" I warned him but he didn't listen.

"Listen to him dude, he looks scary" Eino whispered to Mingyu as he stopped.

"Are you afraid of him though you don't know him well?" Mingyu raised his eyebrow as he looked back at his best friend.

"You know him better, didn't that happen before?"

"No don't worry, he's too kind to do this, let's go have fun"

I tapped some locks on my computer and locked the door. Every employee knows this secret and has this site where they can control the automatical things in the company by tapping an assigned code they'll receive after signing in.

"Hey why do you have to use this silly technique!!" Mingyu yelled while trying to open the door.

"You're not going anywhere until you rewrite that article" I tilted my head with a smile and looked at him.

"Just do your work Ming, it'll only take some time"

"It's a FIVE pages Eino, what do you mean some time??"

"Don't worry just go finish it, I don't want to deal with him" Eino pushed Mingyu to his seat then dragged the extra chair in the corner to sit beside him.


I'm not satisfied with this chapter, I didn't know how to write it but it's okay now I guess..?

Bye ♥︎

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