32. Math is HELL

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I am preparing myself to meet Mingyu now, my mom kept on teasing me that I look like I'm going to a very important meeting that will decide my future.

Soonyoung left early in the morning at 10. I wished he stayed only for today, I need his help. However, I combed my hair and put on a light fragrance then walked downstairs to wear my shoes.

"You still have the same habit?" My mom came from behind and leaned on the wall.

"Don't know" She was talking about me sitting on the floor while wearing my shoes, I grew up doing this the way my dad taught me when I was 3 years old.

I finished tying my shoelaces and stood up, I gave mom a hug and asked to wish me luck.

"You sure you're comfortable with this dressing?"

What does she mean? Why did I wear it then? I looked at her with a confused face then she explained, that's embarrassing to hear it from her.

"Nothing but you look more hot and attractive, I'm worried that someone may kidnap you" She was checking me up and down while crossing her arms and holding her right hand to her chin.

I slapped her gently on her arm and she laughed "I always wear like this, please stop being annoying"

Wearing a white shirt and knee ripped jeans with the bracelets Mingyu and my grandmother gave me on my birthday and a white shoes.

She patted my shoulder and bid me goodbye then went to my grandma who was sitting in the living room.

On my way, every step I step I feel more anxious and try to calm myself down.

When I arrived I saw Mingyu already sitting there in the corner while looking through the window with a drink in front of him.

My heart beat raced as I walked towards him 'I don't know what he wants but there's nothing I should be nervous for!'

He didn't notice I was here and flinched when I greeted while taking a seat across him and he stood up and bowed to me.

'Is he alright...? He never greeted me like this'

"Sorry I startled you, no need for that, sit down"

I didn't know how to bring up the conversation, why he want us to meet here and today.

Mingyu cleared his throat then began talking "Sorry if I bothered you" I shook my head as an answer and gestured to him that it's alright.

"I need your help with my homework, I can't understand anything from it, especially math" He groaned after that and sighed tiredly.

I chuckled at how frustrated he is "But aren't you on a holiday?"

"Holiday my ass. My dad signed me for extra education in math and physics" His head hit the table then looked up at me with begging puppy eyes "Please help me, I'm lost. AnD I don'T WanT To stUdY oN HoLidaYs. Please save me~" Mingyu pouted and hold up his hands together and started making crying noises.

I laughed at him and ruffled his hair, he smiled widely then took out his books from the bag that was hanging on the chair and threw them in front of me and laid his head on the table.

"Get up, you're the one who must study not me" I said while flipping the pages and opened on one that was marked with a piece of paper and asked if it's the one and he hummed.

"Ok, if the question was shorten the numbers, you have to divide both numenator and denominator with 2 and if it didn't work try 3" I can feel he didn't understand when he scratched and tilted his head.

–—   if they asked you to solve this one
  4    then you should do it like this

12    12/2      6                           3
— = -—–– = —, and if it was  —  divide it
4     4/2        2                           9
with 2 and this wouldn't work cuz there's no 2 numbers in the 2 table that gives 9, but in 3 there are, 3x3=9"

"What the fuck is this??"

"Divide 12 with 2, that gives 6, and 4 with 2 gives 2. Everytime you'll divide or multiply, do the same thing to both sides, and this answer can be shortened more as 3 "

"Excuse me... What the hell is this?" He was having a shocked expression "Who the fuck invented math?? I want to punch him in the face until he dies"

I looked up at him with a smile then he mumbled "Or she, whoever they are"

"It's a he" I answered and he started speaking non-stop at the inventor.

He kept on talking for more than five minutes so I had to stop him, we continued with math and he was trying hard to understand the base.

I put the book on the table and turned it to him to explain and see if he understood. He leaned his arms on the table and came closer and stared at the book, opened his mouth to speak but tilted his head and furrowed. The boy bit his lower lip and gazed more at the math problems written on the book then groaned and looked at me "I don't. Understand!"

"I'm not going to attend the classes anyway" I heard him mumbling with a pout as he crossed his arms and turned to look out of the window at the people who's passing and at the two kids playing outside with their father.

His head is having a hard time to get the information so I let him rest for few minutes, then forced him to continue because he kept on rejecting.


✧ Be happy ✧

Thank you, bye ♥︎

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