30. Soonyoung = Crazy thoughts

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"Ok here's the plan.."

"Soonyoung I swear to God if you don't give me back my notebook I'll kill you!!" He was running around the house with the book in his hand, as he calls it 'help me to confess'.

My mom went out and took my grandma with her to get some fresh air at the park and here I am stuck with this hamster.

"Until when are you going to stop extending your sleep over?? Leave now!!" From last week he should be gone, but he called his mom and said he'll spend it at me until the end of the month, unfortunately only two weeks left.

"I'm exhausted" He stopped and kneeled down to catch his breath after he looked at me who was igniting in anger. "Calm down bro I'm only helping"

Soonyoung walked to me and patted my back after he handed me the notebook. I thanked him angrily then he said "Aren't you hungry?"

"No. I am not." My stomach growled after I finished and we both looked where the voice came from, Soonyoung grinned and patted my shoulder.

"That's obvious, go make something we can eat" He pushed me to the kitchen then sat down.

"SOONYOUNG!" I shouted at him, he flinched and stood up like a soldier.

"You see this?" He nodded as he looked at the knife in my hand pointing at him "If you do anything you'll say goodbye forever"

He gulped and nodded again "Yes sir"

"Come then and make dinner" But he stopped in his spot and said "You remember? The last time I went into the kitchen..."

"Whatever, I'm here, you're not going to make fire, so don't make any excuses" He groaned and started helping by cutting the vegetables.


I was sitting doing nothing when I suddenly heard a bang coming from the garden.

I hurried and looked through the window and clinched my fist closing my eyes severely while bringing my fist to my face.

There was Soonyoung, he went outside for few minutes ago to buy something, but here he is, bought fireworks!

I knocked on the window and gestured to him to come in.

"Yes?" I was crossing my arms while waiting for him on the couch.

"What the hell are you doing?? Fireworks in the middle of the year??! Just put them aside and come sit here, I want to talk with you"

The boy walked toward the kitchen while obviously thinking of what I'm going to say and put the fireworks on the table then came back murmuring "Although it's September"

'I don't know how his family can handle him'

"You know we're childhood friends right? And you know I love you, and for the first time I want to try your plan, do you still have it?"

He jumped in happiness and nodded then ran to bring the paper he wrote his plan on.

"Ok first of all you have to..."


Today... is the day I finally decided to confess to Mingyu, Soonyoung will help me. He wrote and drew everything, I hope it'll work.

Soonyoung will leave tomorrow so he asked me and Eino to hang out at Mingyu's if he's free, surprisingly all of them agreed.

And here we are bored and don't know what to do.

"Don't you have anything we can do?" Eino groaned as he was laying upside down on the couch.

Mingyu came back with drinks and snacks on a tray and replied "I have PlayStation, Xbox, CDs for movies and music, Nintendo and a lot of other things, what do you want"

"Xbox" Both Eino and Soonyoung said at the same time while I said PlayStation.

"Ok then we'll play PS" Mingyu put the drinks on the table and smiled at me.

"What?! That's unfair!" The other two complained and huffed.

'I really can't be here for too long, I feel awkward and uncomfortable, especially of what happened earlier'

"If you guys want to play Xbox, there is another TV in the living room downstairs" He handed Soonyoung the Xbox and started the PS.

"No then I-" Eino didn't continue his sentence because Soonyoung cut him off by shouting.

"Yes it's alright, we'll go down!!" Soonyoung stood up and dragged Eino quickly with him after he bid goodbye.

Mingyu followed them then came back after few minutes.

"So.. what do you want to play?" The tall boy sat on the bed edge and put the CDs in front of me.

"Uh... Rocket Car Ball?" I hesitated and pointed at one of them, Mingyu handed me a controller and grabbed the CD and put it in the console then sat beside me.

The other two were shouting from downstairs and laughing loudly.

I was distracted so I couldn't play well although I'm not good at it, Mingyu won all the rounds.

"Ah~ why are you bad at gaming" He ran his hand through his hair and leaned back.

Suddenly, he looked at me and sat up, I flinched and was confused.

"Let's play again and if you lose you'll make sandwiches for all of us"

"And if I win?"

"Uh... you'll order whatever you want from me"

'Why is he grinning like that? I'm not okay'

And here I am, making sandwiches for them, not only once but I lost four times, shit what a bad player I am.

After I finished and warmed them a little I gave 7 to the noisy boys and took the rest to Mingyu.

"Aren't you going to eat?" He asked with his mouth full of food.

I shook my head and smiled "I'm not hungry"

He kept on giving me different sandwiches but I refused, Mingyu pouted and looked at me.

After few moments he took a bite from his and shoved the last remaining sandwich in front of my face.

"No, you can eat it, it's alright"

His puppy eyes appeared "Please just once. One bite" He started shaking the sandwich "Just for me"

I smiled at how cute he's being and bit it. A big smile snuggled to Mingyu's face as he cheered.


I really don't know that much about games, I don't even know how to start a controller so if there's something weird in this chapter, read it the right way on your own, heehee ◡̈

Thank you for reading ♥︎

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