16. Needs love

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(Continuing to part 15)

How do I feel now? Depressed is my answer.

"Go make something for him Wonwoo" My mom ordered me.

Yes, Mingyu is at our house. I was going to take him to his home but my mom said it's late and what if something happen to us. So she just asked me to drag him in. And the other was about to cry while saying he doesn't want to go home, he doesn't want to see his dad...

"He can't eat or drink anything!!" I exclaimed at his situation "Can't you see how he is?!"

She chuckled "Sorry, but you better do something"

I opened my mouth in shock "Like what, feed him? Take him home? Sing for him to sleep? Omg mom, you're so happy having him here" I fake cried in annoyance and groaned.

"Don't you want accompany-"

"No thanks, not with him"

"You will soon" She crossed her legs and opened her book to continue reading.

"I'm going to sleep, goodnight" I got up and was about to leave but she stopped me by talking.

"Take him with you, you can't leave him here right?"

"Yes I can." I ended my sentence shortly.

"There's two beds in your room, he can sleep on the other one" She sipped from her tea and looked at me.

"We threw the second one a month ago, don't you remember?" I laid my hands on my hips and bowed a little while looking at her.

"Right..." She held her hand on her cheek "Take him with you anyway, your bed is big enough, look at your figure.. whatever just take him with you and go to sleep"

"I did wrong to sign this job" I sighed and walked to the couch where he was sleeping.

"Does his mother know he's staying here?" She asked.

"Mm, I texted his dad"

"What did you write" Why is she so curious?

"I said he needed some help with his homeworks so he stayed here tonight" I started waking Mingyu up.

"You lazy get up" I slapped him on his shoulder not so hard.

"Who's saying" My mom said jokingly.

"Can you please stop being on his side? I feel like a homeless when you see him" I groaned at her which she chuckled at then turned again to the sleeping young man.

"You're so useless" I sighed and sat him up "Come. On. Ughh!"

Who's struggling with him? I almost lost my balance "This way, here"

"Dare to drink next time" I lead him up the stairs to my room.

"Get in here, you can sleep wherever you want just not for my mom to be sulky" I headed to the bathroom directly after I left him alone.

After 10 minutes I came out and saw he was sleeping on the bed sheets, on MY bed.

"Ok, please get up you need to cover" I hold onto the blankets waiting for him to get up. He did but lazily.

I was dragging them when he suddenly hugged me and laid his head on my shoulder.

"What are you d-doing" I stuttered with a calm voice, lika a whisper but he didn't answer.

After few minutes I hold his wrists and started to take them of my waist but he tightened his grip.

"Don't leave..." His voice says he's still asleep but in reality he is not.

"Let go of me this can't..." I loosened his grip and turned to face him "You're drunk Mingyu, go to sleep to take a rest" I patted his arm.

"I am-not drunkk~" He smiled stupidly and pointed at my chest few times.

"I'm sure you-" He cut my sentence and threw me back on the bed and fell over me.

"Think properly Mingyu, you're drunk don't be stupid" I hold on on his arms.

He then leaned his head on my shoulder and hugged me tightly "Please stay" He said after.

I don't understand but hummed and hugged him back to comfort him a little, maybe he's going through tough times.

"Don't worry okay?" I spoke up with a soft voice "How are you feeling those days?"

"Mingyu has lack of love... please give it back to him" The sound of his voice started to tremble again "My dad, mom, not good" He mumbled.

"I am here don't cry" I put my hand on his head and stroked his hair slightly.

"Come on, get up to prepare for sleep" I hold his shoulders to get him away.

"I want.. tenderness, hyung.." He looked sad and about to cry.

"Ok ok, just let's sleep well, this situation... is weird.." I pushed him slowly and sat up.

He rolled on the bed and snuggled under the blankets.

I chuckled at how cute he was and heard him saying "Mingyu wants to hug"

"No no, you have your own blanket" I grabbed mine and laid down on my back on the left side of the bed. I can see he is pouting and his eyes can't open anymore due to drowsiness and idle.

As soon as I closed my eyes Mingyu snuggled again to my blanket and hugged me.

'It's alright to let him right?' I asked myself while thinking for an answer. I fell asleep while arguing with myself about yes or no.

After an hour, Wonwoo's mom came to check on the boys before she goes to sleep.

"Oh~ they're adorable" She placed her hand on her chest then walked in.

She grabbed the thrown blanket on the floor and covered them then kissed her son's forehead "Good dreams sweeties" His mother whispered and walked out to her room.


To much details? It doesn't matter right?

Luv u all, bye ♥︎

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