28. Meet or a date?

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(Continuing to part 27)

After we ordered what we wanted on Soonyoung's treat, with MY money that he took few days ago, he started talking about whatever is in his mind.

My stomach hurt from laughing at his babbling, the way he's speaking in is funnier than the story itself.

'Please make him always laugh like this' Mingyu thought while listening to Soonyoung's hilarious story and Wonwoo's and Eino's laughs.

"Your laugh is cute" Mingyu leaned in a bit to me and whispered in a heard voice after I stopped laughing and wiped my eyes.

I hold my breath and froze in my place, how am I supposed to respond! I feel myself burning, regretting on agreeing on this meet, I want to go home ASAP.

"Th-thanks" Finally, I thanked him and smiled anxiously, he did the same but  brighter and more honestly.

"I have a treat. I have three questions for you, and you MUST answer, honestly. And if you lie you'll take me to the mall and restaurant" Soonyoung said suddenly aside of the funny conversation he was telling.

Everyone was confused of how smart he thinks, he's good at economics.

"If you're ready I'll ask and if you're not I'll also ask" He spoke up after and quickly chose a name "Eino! When was the last time you lied at Mingyu?"

I laughed a little at Soonyoung's dumb question and how shocked Eino's expression was.

"Why me?" He looked directly at Mingyu who was also surprised and waiting for his friend to speak.

"Come on, when? And WHY??" Mingyu asked Eino and laid his arms on the table.

"Sorry, but it was recently"

"You do this to me?" Mingyu fake cried then made a serious face again "Why?"

"W-why?" Eino stuttered in a nervous voice opposite of Mingyu's.

"Yes, why?" The boy beside me repeated and crossed his arms.

"I can't tell! It's a secret Mingyu, and why wasn't in the questions Soonyoung put" He looked at Soonyoung as the other shook his head.

"You'll tell me later" He gave Eino a weird look then to Soonyoung.

"Ok, umm...." Soonyoung started moving his hands then pointed at Mingyu "You, say what you think about my dear Wonwoo, remember no lies" He then shook his finger and groaned at Eino who elbowed him with a glare.

"Ok" Mingyu simply said and turned to me and gazed in my eyes. "I... I think you're amazing, talented and good at everything. Handsome and have good taste in clothes, beautiful and kind, cares for others and your hugs are the most comfortable thing. You're tolerant and pretty, have a sweet heart..." He held my fingers tenderly.

"That wasn't in the rules, but whatever, continue" Soonyoung mumbled and bend on the table smiling, Eino followed him.

I heard these two whispering, I know they're talking about 'us' "Shut up you two" I shouted in embarrassment then turned again to Mingyu not daring to look at him directly.

'Please hurry up, I can't handle us staying like this, and the others are looking!!'

"I also think he's intelligent and handsome, no one can be like him. And... Uu.... He's gorgeous and has a great mother, his... Ummm..? He's soft and amazing, he loves everyone and good at cooking, and..."

"Ok ok stop, you finished all the compliments in him, that's enough. We know you like him and we're very thankful, we're certain now, thank you" Both Eino and Soonyoung said at the same time.

'Thanks God' I let out a heavy sigh and  was like a tomato. I did take the words seriously by my side, I wish he means them from his heart.

I stole a look at him and he was smiling widely and I can swear I saw his sincerity in them. I let go of our hands and turned to face Soonyoung with fire in my eyes then took a huge sip of my drink.

"I think I have to use the toilet" I said and quickly stood up then walked to the bathroom feeling my cheeks heating more everytime I remember his words and his gentle touch.

All of them were looking at me as I went but Soonyoung had a smirk on his face, this bastard.

"I'll go to the bathroom" Mingyu then said and got up, was ready to walk when Soonyoung choked on his cake. Eino laughed and handed him the glass of water. "Please be..." He coughed again "Careful"

Mingyu looked at him in confusion then walked away.

"You weren't supposed to say that, the plan may be ruined" Eino patted Soonyoung's shoulder and laughed again.

I was washing my face in the toilet for people with special needs because people rarely get in here. I looked at my face in the mirror and sighed tiredly 'Shit Wonwoo, you look so messy'

I styled my hair again and then my clothes. I washed my face again a few more times and tried to calm down by inhaling and exhaling.

That wasn't working "Fuck you Mingyu!!" I shouted not so loud and kneeled a bit.

"I hate you, very much" My thigh hurted as I hit myself unintentionally.

Letting out a bunch of air that was in my lungs then standing up straight and stood in front of the door. I put my hand on it and was hesitated to open, I don't want to go back. Being near him is a disaster.

I didn't have the guts but I opened the door and walked out.

There was Mingyu, standing on the sink in the bathroom's corridor looking at himself in the mirror. When he realized the door opening he turned around.

"Sorry I- I took long"

He didn't answer and started walking towards me.

I got away from his way and thought he was going to the toilet but not, he stood in front of me expressionless for few moments.

'I really don't know what's going on, what does he want?' He then dragged me in to the toilet and locked the door.


Only few chapters left, I don't exactly know how many

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