23. "I love him" Everything is exposed

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It's been 7 weeks since my birthday, and at work... this dumb mingyu, I am sorry but not sorry, failed three of his subjects! I can't tell he's progressing. He'll start his 3rd year at university soon but he's not paying attention to it.

But at this time NO, I have been stuck with him those whole past few days. Imagine from 11 in the morning to 4 afternoon, like a part job. Only because he failed those three science subjects, he is not allowed to get out, what does it have to do with me??!

Whatever, today I'm finally home and tomorrow is Sunday.

"You look pale, what happened?" As soon as I threw myself on the couch my mom asked me.

"Five hours, isn't that a crime?? This guy is making me crazy!"

"Aren't you teaching him though?"

"YES BUT HE'S NOT STUDYING! He keeps on wasting his time with whatever's in his sight or.... he has a talent in drawing I can't lie but that doesn't mean he should ignore me while explaining!!"

"I don't know what to say, but are you teaching him in a way that he'll find it fun?.."

"... Fun..? Who finds fun in studying? I couldn't know when I'd graduate"

She put aside her phone and got up, was about to speak but I said "I don't want to eat, I'm not in the mood. I'll take a nap" I think that was a bad answer but we shouldn't always be nice and care about every single thing that we say or do. But I do still feel guilty for saying it like this to her.

I saw her sitting back on the armchair and was curious why she didn't went to eat. "You're not going to make something for yourself?"

"No I'm fine, I'm not hungry either, you're tired, you have to rest" Why does she still care, I have a feeling to punch myself but the other arrogant one is preventing me.

My eyes closed a little sadness in me but as soon as I fall asleep all of those emotions disappears.

"You sure?" Mingyu leaned towards me with that playful smirk on his face that he always had.

"Ignore that stupid studying" He kept on playing and rubbing my hand after he intertwined our hands together.

I was trying to let go of our hands, he's strong and I only needed a little bit of strength but my wrist hurt. "Sit down, you must succeed Those. Substances." I started struggling more to push him.

He let go of my hands and sat back beside me. Picked up the chemistry book and searched through it, opened on the page we were reading and pointed at an equation "Should we continue?"

Suddenly the dream switched very quick. My eyes were blurred as if I have a headache, I was in a dark place, can't see anything, or even move myself. I began to see someone, I know this someone. My vision got better and I called "Mingyu?"
He did not answer as he came closer to me. His behavior was somehow weird, his gazes, his walk or the words he said which I never got.

The boy stood in front of me, he was smiling. I was tied up on a chair, I couldn't make a move. In his hand was a baseball bat. I tried to speak but nothing comes out of my mouth. I looked around and saw too many people on the ground everywhere, directly a feeling told me that those are... his old secretaries!

My heart was about to get out of its place as I felt myself sweating more. Mingyu threw away the bat and bowed down to my height then placed his right hand on my shoulder while speaking, but I can't hear what he's saying, so I shouted at him.

"Get away!"

I woke up frightened, what the hell was that dream about...

"Wonwoo are you okay?" My mom hurried and sat beside me holding my hand. A worried expression on her face as she was looking at me while squeezing my hand.

"What happened, might it's just a nightmare" She spoke up again and hugged me.

"Don't worry it's just a dream" I was still spacing out, thinking about this dream, I bet I'll look funny out if I look into the mirror.

'Shit on that Wednesday.. What the hell was he about to do.... Luckily I pushed him before his girlfriend arrived, he always starts things at the wrong time. I was lucky she came after ten minutes' My mouth let out a sigh of relief then I dropped my head down.

"Why are you frustrated, tell me" My mom parted our hug and turned me around to face her. "Wonwoo... tell me, what happened, I'm your mom at last"

I looked up at her with a worried and sad face "I.." My head lowered again "I think I..." She was listening carefully and looks like not missing a single word.

'She does care, I hope she wouldn't be disappointed in me then' I was worried and hesitated to speak but her loving eyes are telling the truth.. she loves me whatever I am.

"I fell for Mingyu.." Those words made me feel that they're hard to understand, I want to clearify my thoughts, want to not be missunderstood. "I love him" I uttered and was ready for everything that'll happen, if she's going to slap me or something I'm ready.

But the shocking thing was that she quickly hugged me tightly.

'She's not mad? At all?...'

"You're not angry at me... or something like abandoning me?" I widened my eyes in surprise.

"No, what are you thinking, not at all. I'm happy that you opened up to me about this" We parted and she hold my hands together in hers.

"Dear, I can't do that, you're my son and I love you. About Mingyu I already knew that and as your mother, that was very obvious for me, your actions, you avoiding him when you have the chance and your care for him. I heard everything you talked about on your birthday, I feel a bit sad for the poor boy but I think he found someone he can rely on" Her smile was very warm and her words are so comforting.

"Sorry Wonwoo I didn't mean to stalk on you, but I saw you guys were searching for something, I thought I could help if you didn't find it, but I have a smart son. I thought your conversation was interesting so I listened a little longer but then I saw Mingyu crying, thereafter I felt worried and stayed until the end, sorry" She laughed slightly and I hugged her as my tears were falling on my cheeks.

"I'm sorry mom, you're the kindest mom ever" I started sobbing like a kid.

"Stop crying and I wish you'll love Mingyu as you do to me" She patted my head and I burried my face in her chest while sniffling.

"Why are you so sure about that? Maybe he doesn't like me" My voice was showing sadness as clear as the sunlight.

"Stop being positive, trust your mom and you'll see" She looked proud of herself then kissed my head.

I blushed at my thoughts and hugged my mom more as I saw her sharp gaze and eyes shining. Wondering what she's thinking.

'If you hurt my son I'll show you how to be nice with him in my own way'


I will end it soon to focus on my exams until the summer comes. I wrote this on 13-03 if you're wondering what I mean by that.

Take care everyone and be happy too ♥︎ bye

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