20. Birthday boy

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July 17,, means... It's my birthday and yes! I'm very excited. Can't wait for the present my mom will give me.

"Happy birthday son" As soon as my mother saw me coming downstairs she congratulated me.

"Thank you, I think I'm very energetic today"

"Of course you should be, it's your birthday, do you want to know what I bought for you?"

"You always do that mom, stop teasing. It's not a surprise if you say what" I whined and took a bite from the sandwich that my mother made.


"Grandma we're here!" I screamed as I always do when I visit her, but today my mom came with me too.

"Hello mom, are you feeling good today?" My mother asked and placed the food she made to my grandmother.

"I'm very good, don't worry daughter" Her voice was more cheerful than any other day.

"You thought I forgot, happy birthday Wonwoo" She smiled at me and asked me to bring her a small silver velvet box that was on a shelf beside some medicines.

She opened it and took out a handmade bracelet that contains a W letter in the middle and some flowers on the sides of it, it's a color bright bracelet, blue, yellow, orange, pink and white "I made this for you dear, take care of it and I wish it'll bring you happiness and good life, whenever you look at it, I hope you'll remember me"

I was about to tear up, I hugged her and started thanking her and showering her with sweet words.

"Enough, that's enough son!" My mom was trying to untie my hug as I was tightening it, and finally I did. I kissed my grandma's hand and hugged her a quick hug again.

"I really love you" I stopped fake crying when my mom hit me lightly to stop overreacting.

"We have good news mom" My mom opened her bag and took out a paper. "You're fully recovered and we can take you home today!" I exclaimed with joy at what my mom said.

A tear escaped from my grandma's eyes and as soon she wiped it and smiled again "Too happy to hear that, if you're fine I am fine then"

I shoved my index finger in front of her and said "Everyone is happy if you're out of this place, and cheer up! You can finally attend my birthday party after 2 years!"

"And about the money, today is the last payment" I continued and heard my mom chuckling.

"Mrs... Oh you're here Wonwoo, and Mrs. Jeon" The doctor came in with a list in his hand.

"How are you now? Today is your last day here in the hospital, maybe they came to take you out" He walked and started checking on my grandma's pressure.

"Can we?" My mom asked surprised.

"Take her home? Of course, but as soon as you pay the last payment" The doctor joked while writing down my grandmother's situation, she's good and can get out now.

"Why are we waiting then, here take, I brought them" My mom hurried to take out the money from her bag and handed them to the doctor.

The doctor stayed another half an hour to make sure that grandma's health is good.

"Please be careful on your way home" He waved at us and got in the hospital again after he was called to elsewhere.

"When we arrive home you must rest well" I nodded and looked at my grandma.

"Mom is right"


"Soonyoung has been here for more than one hour mom! What should we do?"

We were tired of sitting playing rock paper scissors and waiting for her to finish baking the cake.

"Come let's see what she is doing" I got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen, Soonyoung followed me.

"You're done and decorating it now?! Why didn't you call us to help?" Soonyoung shouted with a surprised look.

I slapped him on his neck "Stop overreacting"

"You boys can fix the tables, balloons, and everything else we need"

"Yes mom!" Me and Soonyoung said at the same time and ran fast to see who'll take the remote first.

"Yes!" I exclaimed and grabbed it from above the cabinet "Drink milk Soon"

"Shut up you're just tall" He pouted and I laughed.

"What music should we put on?" I asked him.

"Since it's a birthday party, then of course we should put NCTs Make a Wish! Think properly bro" He smacked my arm and gazed at me with a confused look.

"Maybe I don't want to" I stubborn him while searching for the song.

"Here" I said after and he smiled, I like his smile, it's beautiful and his eyes disappear everytime he smiles and that's the cutest thing about it.

We started organizing every needed thing and Soonyoung was being the funny crazy boy he is.

"The cake is done~" My mom came with the cake in here hands and placed it in the middle of the table.

"Wow, you're really talented mom" We gasped and Soonyoung said.

"Of course she is" I joked proudly.

"You put on cocomelon boys?" She stared shocked at the TV.

"It changed automatically-" Soonyoung suddenly ran and said quickly "I'll change it!"

"We don't need a birthday song, I'll put on Born To Be Wild"

"It's my birthday Soonyoung! And you're holding the remote up and down" I facepalmed and my mom laughed at us.

"You guys are so hilarious"

"I know right" Soonyoung giggled and started dancing to the song. "You should be wild Wonwoo"

"Yeah of course... just like you"

"I think one is enough" The lady laughed before going to check out on her mother.

"Did you invite Mingyu?" My mother asked while washing the dishes.

"I did" I replied.

After the door rang for the first time, the guests started to come one by one. All of them are my mom's or my friends or our relatives. More exactly, my cousins are either younger or older than me. Some are already married and have kids, that's why I always celebrate my birthday mostly with Soonyoung even though I do it at my house.


My final exams started this week, we had two and until May we should be done with the other 7. Like who in the world have 7 exams in 1 month and not forgetting the other homework and tests we'll get, wish me luck 🙏🏼
Having that much is really a sin.

Thank you very much for reading until this chapter ♥︎

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