18. Cute visitor

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We are already in April and not that much until the summer semester.

"What do you mean by your nephew is coming?!" I ask-shouted.

"As you heard, he's coming here today cuz his parents wouldn't be home and they'll take his sister with them"

"Why doesn't he go with them too??"

"He doesn't want to" Mingyu answered simply.

Our relationship has got better this last month and he's more responsible now. I'm happy and feel proud of myself.

"When then-" My question got cut off by a small boy entering the office while running towards Mingyu.

"Now" Mingyu hugged the small kid and patted his head.

"Oh oh! Uncle I missed you so much!!" He clinged more at the younger "And I brought you some snacks too!" He is so excited, for what? "And this is from my devil sister" He gave him two bags.

Mingyu looked at me then said "They don't get along at all, always fighting"

'Exactly like us'

"Do you still fight with her?" Mingyu sat him on his lap and the boy answered with a winning tone.

"Yes, and I always win" He started to punch the air "I want to be strong like you"

"At last she's a girl San, don't make any problems with her. Promise me" The boy didn't hesitate and promised quickly. He really likes Mingyu.

'He's kind with kids, I liked this side of him'

"So that's him" I asked when the kid jumped from Mingyu's lap and started running in the office.

He first opened the cabinet to explore what's inside. Then he went to the window and looked outside, he seemed astonished of how high he was from the ground in this building.

"How's the view?" The tall boy asked but San didn't answer, he was too focused on his thoughts about the place.  Not long after, he went to the couch and started jumping on it. The boy said "Happy birthday uncle, I know today is your day, so me and Oyna made some of what's in the bags with the help of my mother"

"Oh" I gasped surprised, how come I not know about this?

"Thank you kids" Mingy opened his arms and the kid run to hug him. He got a kiss on his cheek and interrupted the hug. "Can you open it? I want to eat because I'm hungry. I didn't eat anything this morning because we were in a hurry" The boy hold on his stomach and Mingyu ruffled his hair at how cute he was.

"Did this man bring you something uncle?" San suddenly asked pointing at me with a macaron in his hand.

"Right, what did you bring Wonwoo?" Mingyu smirked and turned to look at me.

"It's not that important to give presents on birthdays right?..." I asked feeling little anxious "The wishes are enough.."

"Who said that!! This person should turn into a potato!" San got excited at what I said. We laughed but I hold it back after because it's not the best situation to laugh.

"So back to what we were talking about, why didn't you bring me a present?" Mingyu asked and San nodded agreeing.

"It's not with me now I can bring it tomorrow" The kid shook his head and ate what lasted from his macaron. This boy started the fire and sat quiet.

'He's cute but annoying at the same time' I wished he will not be like his 'uncle'.

San walked to the couch and sat on it leaving us with our conversation.

Mingyu crossed his arms while looking at me "Why tomorrow, if you knew it was today why didn't you bring it?" He asked while standing up, I huffed and shook my head several times.

"Ok please don't make a fuss, I forgot and you never told me about that"

'He'll start using his strength again, why is he so serious??' I stood up as he handed the bags to San and walked to me.

"Happy birthday Mingyu, this is your presents from all the coworkers" Mia came in and placed the 2 presents on his desk. "Oh San! You're here too. Did you want to celebrate your uncle's birthday together with him today" She greeted San and he hugged her back. He couldn't speak due to the amount of chips he had in his mouth but he nodded proudly. Seems like it's not the first time he comes here.

"What kind of presents is it, I think it's special am I right?" Mingyu turned back to me again after Mia excused herself.

I hesitated in the reply and was only thinking of how to make him forget.
"So what is it?" He asked excited and I can see the boy back is excited too.

"I can give it to you later" I looked down at my right side and spaced out.

I flinched when he lifted my head up with his finger. My lower body touched the table behind, I don't even know why I backed.

"Okay, but please there's a kid here" I placed my index on his chest and pushed him slowly to keep him away.

"A little, little spoiler about it" He gestured with his eyes at how much.

"Then it wouldn't be a present!" I exclaimed flustered and locked my eyes sternly with his.

"Why are you nervous?" He asked in his playful voice then constricted me by putting his hands on the edge of the table.

'Shut the fuck up you fucking idiot, who wouldn't if you're being like this??' I cursed him in my thoughts.

"Oww" We heard San groaning. He stuck out his tongue and scrunched his nose up while munching on a jelly candy.

"The boy you dumb!" I whisper-yelled at Mingyu and pushed his left hand aside with my wrist. That was a bad idea.. very bad. I didn't know he was putting all his weight on it.


A short chapter cuz I feel like I'm lost and forgot what I wrote in the past chapters

Bye ♥︎

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