31. Happy ending?

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(Continuing to part 30)

Mingyu slept at the beginning of the film he put because we got bored of playing games. He was laying beside me while sleeping peacefully.

I ditched the film and started looking at him and memorize every single thing in him.

'No Wonwoo no no no, you can't. He's sleeping, what if he wakes up? You'll be fucked up, just focus on the film' I slapped my cheeks slightly and turned to the TV.

Not ten seconds had passed and I looked at Mingyu again 'Where did he get this handsomeness, he didn't leave anything for others' I wrapped my arms around my legs after I lowered the TV's volume.

'One kiss wouldn't harm anything right...?'

I moved a little to his side trying to not wake him up and sat beside his head and placed a kiss on his forehead.

'You're insanely beautiful' Some of his hair tufts were on his face, I shoved them away and leaned in to him while apologizing quietly.

Then,, I pressed my lips on his gently. He's so soft, I feel safe around him, but this anxiety wouldn't leave me alone. I'm in heaven right now. Mingyu furrowed his eyebrows then exhaled, that made me wince a little but I want him, I need him to be mine. If we're like this I'll be more hurt than anyone else-

"MINGYU!" Eino pushed the door open while yelling "MI- Aa..." He stopped at the door frame holding the door knob.

The sleeping boy flinched and opened his eyes frightened. I got startled by the loud shout and stood up quickly as Mingyu sat up confused.

"Come he-" Soonyoung came after and stopped when he saw Eino standing at the door.

Mingyu put his fingers on his lips and looked up at me who was trembling internally.

There was a good silence and the two standing at the door, one is speechless and the other is dumbfounded.

"I'm sorry!" My voice was shaking as I apologized. I stood up then walked hurriedly and pushed Soonyoung and Eino as I ran out.

I stopped when I heard Mingyu and Soonyoung shouting for me.

"You're alright Won?" Soonyoung asked and hold my arms, I shook my head and he was about to hug and comfort me when Mingyu dragged me to his side and embraced me tightly.

My body was trembling, especially my hands. I digged my face in his chest and my tears fell silently, I started sniffling hardly. He's rubbing my hair and stroking my back softly as I was crying even more. I coughed and Soonyoung quickly ran to the kitchen to bring a glass of water.

Mingyu let go and took the glass from Soonyoung and handed it to me, my hands were shaking. He helped me to drink then put the glass aside.

"Why are you crying?" Soonyoung asked and rubbed my back in worry.

"I want to go home.." The tiredness, sadness and how upset I am can be heard through my voice.

The three of them were standing there confused while I took my jacket and walked out, then Soonyoung followed me after he apologized for the other two guys.

He ran after me, I didn't stop and ran until I reached our house, when I entered I glimpsed my grandma in the kitchen. She called after me and asked why do I look frustrated.

"I'm alright, just a little bit tired"

And suddenly Soonyoung closed the door and butt in "He's lying he's not okay" He seems angry.

"If you don't want to tell me, tell your mom Wonwoo" My grandmother said and walked to the living room. Soonyoung grabbed my wrist and dragged me up to my room.

He pushed me on the bed and sat beside me then started speaking "Hear me out Wonwoo, you did nothing wrong and this boy is stupid, he can't understand. Why did you even fall for him, he's only hurting you"

I can't lie but his words hurt me. Me too, I don't know why, first I only wanted him to feel happy and show him that he's loved but I did not realize I fell for him. My tears are gathering in my eyes, I was trying to hold them in.

"I.. I-am s-sorry" I started sobbing and apologized for not knowing why.

He pulled me into a hug and grit on his teeth. After a while as I calmed down he took out his phone from his pocket and started texting someone.

"Soonyoung?" I whispered but he didn't answer, maybe he fell asleep. I sighed then suddenly my phone buzzed.

I grabbed it and saw a message notification from Mingyu. I really don't want to talk with him, but when I saw what the messages contained without opening them I sat up quickly and gazed at my phone.

Sorry if I woke you up but..
Can we meet up tomorrow?
At the cafe near your house
If you don't want it's alright I am not forcing you to do something you don't want to

'Why the sudden messages now'

Then I got another message from him.

Forgot to tell the time
At 5 o'clock afternoon
Only if you're free
Sorry again for disturbing you

I don't know if I'll answer or not but in the end I decided...

It's alright I didn't sleep yet
5? I am free

And quickly, I got a reply from him.

Thank you
See you tomorrow, bye
Sleep well ⦅◠◡◠⦆ཌ

Ok... What's with that emoji?...

See you tomorrow
(Seen 00:30 ✔)


I got two ideas of how it'll end but I think the second one is better

AND GUYS PLEASE WISH ME LUCK!! I have this stupid biology exam tomorrow and I don't know a single thing from the book which is 444 pages... How am I supposed to read them in two days?? It's my teacher's fault, he didn't allow me to borrow the book though I asked him like 1000 times, if I fail it then it's his problem

"Happiness doesn't come from good grades, it comes from BooSeokSoon" a reminder for me (T_T)

Thanks everyone ♥︎

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