Extra: Childish jealousy

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"You two!!" I was surprised at the two little kids who entered the office.

It was San and his sister, Oyna.

"Oh! You'le de same handsome boy flom ealiel" The girl ran excited towards me as soon as they came in.

"Wait! You are the girl I met that day"

"She's my annoying sister" San rolled his eyes and crossed his arms while looking at his little sister jumping in front of me.

"Oh.. Hey kids, but why are you here today?" I lifted the girl with my hands.

"We're on holiday!!" They both answered excitedly with their hands up.

"Oh, but why you're here then?" I repeated my question.

"My mom came hele to say someding to my glandpa" Oyna's cute accent is making me melt down, she's very cute. "Whele's uncle Mingu?"

"As always, he's late" I sighed and sat down on the chair. 'Even the kids came earlier than him'

The door opened and Mingyu came in "Hello kids!"

San hopped from the couch and ran to hug him.

"I've heard you're going on a trip to Japan, and saw your mother at my dad's office" Mingyu asked.

'Yes' The two replied with a proud tone in their voices.

As Mingyu sat down in front of his desk San asked "Aren't you going to greet uncle Jeon?"

"No, why? I'm always stuck with him"

"That's rude" I gazed at Mingyu and the boy directly said after "Wow, you're my hero"

I put a look on my face that obviously says 'what the hell?'

"What?" Mingyu looked at me unbothered.

"Bless you" I shoved my palm to his face and turned to the girl on my lap.

"I have some work to do, could you go and play with your brother?" My voice tone turned suddenly soft and she nodded.

"You too, your last week's assignment isn't done yet" I threw the folder on his desk as it startled him.

"You could give it by hand"

It didn't pass only 10 minutes and the two kids are fighting, AGAIN.

"Stop stop, it's not good to fight, you're siblings!" I hurried to them and hold the girl back and they stuck out their tongues at each other with a glare.

"He took my toy!" Oyna pointed at him and was ready to fight again.

"She's lying, it's our toy" San defended and hugged the toy tightly.

"Come and play beside me ok? Take those and stay by my side" I dragged Oyna by her hand after she picked up her doll.

"You should stop them" I glared at Mingyu who was sitting silently and his eyes are glued on the screen in front of him.

"They will get along soon" He answered not taking his eyes from the text he's reading.

"Why so suddenly you're so loyal to your work?" I scoffed but he didn't bother to answer.

He was ignoring every thing I say to him gradually and he doesn't even nod or hum at least so I played with the little girl the whole time.

At lunch time I shared my meal with the two kids but San rejected because he was full of eating snacks.

"Is it good?"

"Mmm, it's tasty" The girl smiled widely and her mouth was stuffed with food. I'm happy to see her smiling. But on the other side it wasn't, Mingyu didn't say anything at all for the past 3 hours.

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