Chapter 4

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Yami had already found the classroom for 1-A, and she barely got any kind of sleep the nights before. So, she had accidentally arrived at school a little earlier than everyone. At least she would have the first choice of where to sit.

It was empty which was good, she could relax herself a bit. She simply chose a seat by the window. The second to last seat in the row by the window, she placed her bag down beside her seat, and took out her book that Keigo lent her.

She noticed a yellow sticky note on the hard cover, 'Have a great day kid! Love you :)'. Yami couldn't help but smile a little bit, easing her nerves.

The girl had no idea why she was nervous about her first day. Perhaps it was because she had not been in a proper school since her beginning years of education.

She shook her head, erasing her previous thoughts and opened the book to the first page. She began to read.

It was quiet, until she heard the door slide open.

Todoroki Shoto was the second person to arrive in the classroom. He thought he was going to be the first person there, having some downtime for himself, but he was dead wrong.

He spotted the purple haired girl in a seat by the classroom window. He stood by the entrance, still gazing at her, when she finally looked up from her book to make eye contact with the dueled-haired boy.

He was not happy, but he noticed a small smirk appear on the corners of her lips. She closed her book and stood up from her seat as Todoroki closed the door behind him and walked further in the classroom. He aimed for the seat in the very back of the classroom.

They stood before one another, Yami having her confident pose, crossing her arms across her chest, shifting her weight between her legs. She cocked her head to the side a little. "What do we have here?"

"I'm not here to make friends. So whatever charm you're using, will not work." He made eye contact this time, holding onto the strap of his bag. His free hand stayed by his side. She only chuckled a bit.

"Who said I was using my charm?" Her eyes narrowed, acknowledging he was actually making direct eye contact. Their eyes never broke away from one another. "I'm simply striking up a conversation." Her sarcastic tone itched Todoroki's brain.

The air was filled with intensity, it was thick that not even a knife could slice through it. At this point, their fearing gaze would declare them as rivals.

Though this did not stop Yami from attempting to befriend the aloof boy. She just wasn't going to make it easy for him, she liked the challenge. Yami was determined to make Todoroki her friend and open up to him, there was no doubt about it.

"Whatever." He walked past her and to the seat he decided to choose. He sat down, thinking her bantering was over and that he would release his muscle tensions. He hoped she went back to reading her book. A heavy sigh escaped his lips.

Again, he thought extremely wrong. "I'll give you credit for actually making eye contact! You're improving, I'm so proud." She stood before his desk, which wasn't too far from hers. Whatever it was, she was giving him a headache. Out of both confusion and frustration for not leaving him alone. But he didn't directly tell her to go away.

There it was again with her tone of voice, driving his head mad. 'When will she stop?' He thought.

"How am I supposed to respond to that?" He made eye contact with her again, his expression the same as ever.

"Oh, I don't know. A 'thanks'?" She was frank. She was direct, honest, and not beating around the bush. "Anyway,"

She pulled up a chair to the opposite side of his desk, placing herself down and facing him. Her arms resting on the backside of the chair. "Since we're the only two people in the classroom, why not make conversation? Little less boring than sitting in silence."

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