Chapter 6

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Yami's POV

I told Keigo I would be out for a little after school, of course interrogating me, if I was out with a special someone to which I denied. Because I wasn't. I couldn't even tell the difference between a false confession and a real one. The ones I've received were only because of my looks or my brother.

Don't get me wrong, I'm flattered, but it's a little difficult to establish a genuine relationship with someone under my own circumstances.

After bidding farewell to Todoroki at the gate and giving him my number, we headed off in different directions. I was simply glad I was able to get around to him in the end, and I didn't think I would get there so quickly.

Then again, it was just the beginning.

I decided to stop by my favorite place, the park. It was the same park where I had grown up, holding very dear memories with it.

I flew over, increasing my speed. I noticed no one was there, which was great. I could freely take photos of the scenery with no worries of judgment from little kids. I gently landed on the dirt path that led to the rest of the park, taking out my camera from my bag.

From there, I started my search.

A flower, an empty playground, some trees, some grass, old belongings that were left behind by other people. Sometimes I don't just take photos of important things, but of the simple things in life. Or anything that pleased my eyes.

I kept wandering around the park, camera in hand and still looking for things to snap some photos of.

Then why did you take a photo with your boyfriend?

A sudden voice in my head made me panic a little. I looked around to see if there was anyone around me. No one. I was still alone in the park.

Relax, it's just me. Surely you can't have already forgotten?

Then, a sharp pain appeared in the left side of my temple, making me wince in pain. It was painful and it made me crouch to the ground. Dammit I thought they had fully disabled this thing.

It was hard to concentrate on one thing, when she was clouding my thoughts with her own.

Did you really think you could get rid of me that easily?

She was trying to take control, she was trying. Someone had to help me get out of this trance. I was helplessly stuck in, my vision began to darken and blur around me.

This was the last thing I wanted to happen, especially after the first day of school. My head felt like it was on the verge of explosion, the pain was so unbearable it was getting extremely difficult to stay conscious, but I couldn't just let her take over just yet.

My body began to burn, my limbs were extremely weak. Mori tried to warp out of me, desperately fighting for both our lives. I crawled over to the nearby tree, having my back supported from behind so I wasn't folded over.

I could feel a sweat drop from the side of my face, temperature was rising, and Mori was so close to finally being able to warp out. The consequences for me on the other hand, were not good consequences. If Mori ended up being successful, I would temporarily lose my memory, and I didn't know which ones. It made me extremely frightened.

"Someone... please help me..."

My vision was completely blurred. The left temple was the area with the most pain, and the most risen in temperature. I laid my hand over my stomach and waited for the darkness to consume me.

Todoroki's POV

I don't know why I decided to follow her path home. I just hoped she wouldn't spot me following her from a distance. She couldn't have gotten far, unless she used her quirk to get home.

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