Chapter 20

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The two went upstairs to drop off their belongings. Yami didn't need to bother worrying about her brother's complaints since he was still out on patrol, so she felt slightly relieved.

"Here, you can leave your stuff in my room. Do you want me to walk you home afterwards?" The girl asked as she opened her bedroom door for him to enter and leave his school bag. He looked at her with the same expression he always had.

"Depends on what time we finish. If it's late, you don't have to." Todoroki's tone was flat. He went over by her desk and placed his bag by the chair. Yami stood by the doorway, already having her stuff on the ground.

"Alright, then I'm gonna go change, so if you don't mind..." Yami walked further into her room as Todoroki began to walk out. That was when he realized he had no change of clothes to use.

"I forgot to bring a pair of clothes to change into." He replaced Yami and was the one who was standing by her door. She turned around to face Todoroki, already having an extra pair in her hands.

She tossed them over to him, which he easily caught. It was a pair of gray sweatpants and a plain white t-shirt. Perfect for his size.

"Take them. I have a lot of boy sized clothing for my own comfort so I don't mind if you use them." She turned back around, looking into her drawers for her own pair of clothes. "You can change in the bathroom down the hall too, now please leave."

It was an awkward smile that said 'Please get out of my room'.

He blinked, and left her room without saying another word, making sure to close the door behind him.

Todoroki wandered the hall and found the bathroom Yami mentioned. He stepped in and shut the door behind him. It was a simple and small bathroom, probably meant to be for guests instead of a main one.

When he closed the door behind him, Todoroki began to take note of the scent of her clothes that filled the bathroom. Come to think of it, this was the first time someone had ever let him borrow their clothes that weren't his siblings.

He shook his head to get rid of his intruding thoughts, and began to change into the clothes that were lent to him. Once they were on him, he was drenched in her scent.

In the back of Todoroki's mind, he secretly thought it was a nice scent. Thinking about it made his ears turn a shade of pink. He liked it.

Yami finished changing on her end. She wore black joggers and a gray tank top. Her shoulder length hair was tied back, making sure it wouldn't disturb her training. Yami was basically ready for whatever kind of hell was going to break loose.

She exited her room, and surprisingly saw Todoroki exit at the same time she did. They made brief eye contact, and she smiled at the boy. "You look comfortable." She teased as she walked up to him.

Todoroki kept his hands in the pockets of the joggers. "Thanks for lending me some of your clothes."

"Good to hear! Let's head on down, yeah?"

Todoroki followed Yami into the elevator once more in silence, even on the way down. But he didn't mind, it was a tiring day for both of them so it was understandable if none of them wanted to speak to one another.

There was a nagging thought in the back of Yami's mind. It crossed her mind that Todoroki looked good in her clothes; they were the perfect fit for him, almost like he was meant to have them. The thought of it made a light blush appear on her cheeks in the elevator ride to the underground area of Hawks' agency.

She coughed in embarrassment for her mind to make such a statement. "We can use the area under the agency as a space for quirk combat. There should be some rooms open for us to use. No reservation needed because, you know."

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