Yami's POV
"Your quirk is quite the show off." I commented as I packed my books back into my bag. The day had ended and so had the time for me to be in school any longer.
"Yours is as well." It was his usual dry tone that somehow made me think it had any meaning behind it. "Oh. I'm also supposed to walk you home."
I paused my actions. I swear I was going to murder that bird sooner or later. "Is he really making you do that?"
"Well, I don't know how strict Keigo is with this so..." I pulled my school bag over my shoulder and faced Todoroki. "You don't need to walk me home, just for today. I'm going into town to roam around for a little."
He looked at me. I would think he would at least feel a little relieved in not babysitting me 24/7. In this situation, I would be doing him a favor.
"Alright. Do as you wish." He grabbed his stuff, and left the room without a single word said to me after that. I knew he wasn't well-versed with words, so I understood his short replies or sentences.
My plan was to visit the town and look around, possibly get some snacks and head back home. I would have to tell Keigo so he wouldn't be going after Todoroki's ass for not being a babysitter after school.
I walked out the gates of school, taking out my phone to make a call. I dialed Keigo's number as I walked and within the first ring, he picked up, "Hey kid! How was school today?" He sounded like he answered the call in the air, meaning he was on patrol somewhere in the city.
"It was okay. I told Todoroki to not walk me home because I wanted some alone time in the town." I sighed. "Which I know you asked him to do."
I heard him nervously giggle from the other side of the call. "At some point, I'll ask him to stop. I know he can't always be there considering he also has a busy life..." He paused.
"And the fact he's the son of Endeavor."
My pace slowed down as I followed the sidewalk. The way he said Endeavor made me question how much the Pro-Hero is actually liked. From the opinions of both Keigo and Todoroki, more so from Todoroki, he doesn't sound very likable. On the other hand Keigo is just automatically friendly to anyone he meets, but in his case for this conversation, he sounds weary of his actions. Then again, I don't pry into his partnerships with other heroes.
"Hey Keigo..." I just wanted to know a little bit more about Todoroki, and that was in the most indirect way possible of asking about himself, "What do you know about the Todoroki family?"
It was silent on the other end of the line for a bit. I could tell the background wind stopped, so he must've landed on top of a building. But even after what it sounded like he landed, he was still quiet. Maybe I shouldn't have asked about it.
"I know things." I took his dry response as something I shouldn't question further. I guess the other option would be for Todoroki to tell me.
"Ah. Well, you don't have to explain further." I kept my tone the same sarcastic one I always have, but I could easily feel the tension in the call. I finally reached the small town district nearby, and began walking around to find a small cafe to sit and relax at. "Well! I'll be home in a few hours or so. I'll see you later?"
"Okay kid, let me know when you're heading back!" With his words ending the conversation, he hung up. My expression turned from a soft, to a disappointed look. I sighed and finally paid attention to my surrounding environment.
There were small shops and cafes lined up along the sidewalk for customers to waltz in to try or shop. The places weren't too busy, which meant there weren't many people who were going to bombard me with questions.

Equilibrium (Todoroki x OC)
Fanfiction"If you're going to shoo me away, at least you could make eye contact with me instead of being a coward about it." Todoroki's eyes widened at her comment and he looked up to face her with irritability. His mouth was slightly open like he was about...